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Clear Redial (dialing key 4) - select this option to delete all phone numbers
stored in redial memory.You will be asked Are you sure? Choosing YES clears
all records. Choosing NO returns you to the previous screen.
With this icon highlighted, press the joystick in or left soft key to reveal the
following menu:
Set Time(dialing key 2) - this option allows you to set the time to be
displayed on the bottom of the idle screen. If you subsribe to Caller
ID, this feature will set and update the clock.
NOTE: Press the number key for changing the time.
Contrast(dialing key 3) - this option allows you to adjust the
Handset screen contrast.
Reset Settings(dialing key 6) - this option allows you to return the
Handset to factory-preset settings. There are 4 options can be reset:
Clear My Clips
Clear My Pictures
Clear Phonebook
Default Settings
Choose the desired option that you want to reset. You will be asked
Are you sure? Choosing YES for reset. Choosing NO returns you to
the previous screen.
Language (dialing key 5, preset to English) - this option allows you
to change the screen prompts to English, Spanish or French.
Register(dialing key 4)- this options will allow you to return the
Handset to the Enter Base ID screen.
Appearance(dialing key 1) - this option allows you to change the
color of the text at the top and bottom of the Handset screen. Your
color choices are:
Press the joystick
to navigate to the desired option and to make the change,
or press the dialing key that is assigned to the icon.
For confirmation, press the joystick in or press SAVE softkey.
Basic Operation
Handset Menu