C) Sketch uploading
Connected the board with your PC via USB and startArduino IDE.
Select Files> sample sketch> VS-RC202> vs-rc202_HTML_Controller on menu bar and open sketch. And then select Tools> ESP8266
Sketch Data Upload and. After a while, you can see [ 100%] on Arduino IDE prompt and it means file upload finished.
If ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload does not display, software setting has not been finished so please complete the initial settings by referring to
the "software set up" on VS-RC202 Instruction Manual.
In this section, install HTML file which is displayed on smart phone in VS-RC202. When you want to install some files except of sketch,
use this function. If you want to know about detail, please refer to the VS-RC202 manual.
Next, upload sketch in the board. Click arrow button. If sketch is written to the board successfully, the message “Done uploading”
would be displayed. If error message is displayed, check the board settings and port selection.
It takes for a while to upload sketch. Do not unplug USB cable until the message “Done uploading” is displayed.