Preparing the VSU-5000 for Configuration
VSU-5000 User Guide
Select a traffic mode from the Traffic Configuration Menu.
Permit all non-VPN traffic
- When checked (default), all non VPN traffic is
allowed to pass through the VSU.
Deny all IP non-VPN traffic
- When checked, all non-IP traffic is passed
through the VSU.
Deny all non-VPN traffic
- When checked, all non-VPN traffic is prevented
from passing through the VSU.
For additional information regarding traffic modes, see page 3-2.
Enter “n” if you do not want the VSU to run in FIPs-compliant mode. If you
answer “n”, the code skips to the date and time configuration. Go to Step 7.
Enter “y” if you want the VSU to run in FIPs-compliant mode. If you answer
“y”, answer the following configuration questions. For more information
regarding FIPS, see “FIPS Mode” on page 3-8.
Non-VPN traffic mode: non-VPN traffic is currently
Non-VPN Traffic Configuration Menu
1) Permit all non-VPN traffic
2) Deny IP non-VPN traffic only
3) Deny all non-VPN traffic
P) Previous menu
Your choice [1-3]:
Do you want this unit to run in FIPs-compliant mode? [yn] y
FIPs-compilant mode may only be disabled via VPNmanager.
Please confirm that you want this unit to run in FIPs-
compilant mode. [yn] y