Fuel consumption, residual time
Input signals
Conditions for output functions
Output functions
- VCADS Pro parame‐
ter HLF
- VCADS Pro parame‐
ter HLI
- Fuel level, SE2303
- Calculated fuel level
- Engine On/Off
- Total fuel consump‐
Overall conditions for the function:
- VCADS Pro parameter HLF “ON”
- Calculated fuel level / Average consumption
- Vehicle info
Operational Data
Resid. time fuel:
a) Calculated value > fuel level
b) Shows calculated time remaining before fuel runs out.
The following applies in case of incorrect input signals:
Assumed value in case of error
VCADS Pro parameter HLF
In case any other input signal is incorrect, the output signal
becomes incorrect.
Travelling speed
Regarding: L60F, L70F, L90F
The function calculates and informs the operator about the speed.
The speed is used as input signal to several functions.
Input signals
Conditions for output functions
Output functions
- VCADS Pro parame‐
ter QM
- Output speed trans‐
mission, SE4307
- (Output speed transmission/axle ratio) x VCADS Pro
parameter QM
- Distance per second
- Distance per second x (3.6 / 1000)
- Speed
In case of any input signals being faulty, the output signals are
considered to be faulty.
Machine hours
Regarding: L60F, L70F, L90F
The function calculates and shows on the display unit the time the
engine of the machine has been On since previous Reset / Setting
to zero.
Input signals
Conditions for output functions
Output functions
- VCADS Pro parame‐
ter BMH
- Engine On/Off
- Engine On
- Vehicle info
Operational Data
Machine hours