Vehicle control unit V2-ECU, description
Regarding: L60F, L70F, L90F
The vehicle control unit is the controlling unit in the system for the
following functions.
The vehicle control unit is located by the electrical distribution box
behind the operator's seat, and is connected to the other control
units via data link for communication with the other control units.
• Lever steering (CDC)
Engine control unit E-ECU, description
Regarding: L60F, L70F, L90F
The engine control unit is the central part of the injection system.
It is located on the partition wall in the engine compartment
installed in rubber-damper mounts.
The control unit continuously receives information from the accel‐
erator pedal and sensors on the engine as well as calculating the
fuel quantity and at which point in time the fuel shall be injected
into the cylinders via the injectors.
The control unit stores information if a malfunction should occur
or if any part of the system reacts abnormally. Sporadic malfunc‐
tions are stored in the control unit and can then be traced at a
later time.
• Control of fuel injection (Common Rail)
• Temperature monitoring
• Engagement of preheating
• Detecting engaged preheating
• Monitoring of water in fuel
• Monitoring of EGR-valve
• Automatic fuel shut-off at risk of high fuel temperature in the
return line when PRV-valve is open.
Fig.7 Vehicle control unit V2-ECU
Fig.8 Engine control unit