Figure 1
Protective equipment
Always stop the engine to service the machine, unless otherwise instructed on plates or in this manual.
Stop the engine before opening engine hood, radiator casings etc. Make sure that no tools or other objects, which
can cause damage, are forgotten and left in the machine.
Our global environment is today exposed to harm because of the increasing industrialisation of the world. Nature, animals
and humans all over the world are daily exposed to great risks in connection with various ways of handling chemicals.
Yet there are for example no oils or coolants on the market which are not harmful to the environment. Therefore, all, who
handle, service or repair earth moving machines, must use the aids and methods which are necessary in order to carry out
their work in an environmentally correct way.
If you also follow the simple rules listed below, you will contribute to the care of our environment:
Contribute to a careful utilisation of natural resources by handing in discarded material to companies which
specialise in recycling or incineration.
Batteries etc.
Components such as batteries, plastic objects and others which may constitute an environmental danger, must not
be discarded anywhere or anyhow. Such waste must be taken care of in an environmentally correct way.
Discarded batteries contain substances dangerous to the environment and they should therefore be handled in an
environmentally safe way according to national regulations.
Oil released or spilled onto the ground will harm the environment and could also cause a fire. When emptying/
draining oil or fuel, steps should therefore be taken to avoid unnecessary spillage.
Waste oil and other liquids should always be taken care of by an authorised company.
Be alert to leakage of oil and other liquids! Rectify the leakage immediately.
Air conditioning
The refrigerant in the air conditioning for the cab adds to the greenhouse effect and may therefore never
intentionally be released into the open air. Special training is required for all service work on the air conditioning. In
many countries certification for such work is also required by an authority. See also “Air conditioning”.
Working in contaminated environment
Used cab and engine air filters from machines which operate in environments containing asbestos or other
dangerous dust must be placed in the tight-fitting bag which is supplied with the new filter, before they are
deposited in a designated place.
The machine must be equipped for working within contaminated area (polluted environment and/or insanitary
area) before any work is carried out. In addition to this, special local regulations apply for such work and when
servicing such a machine.