If swelling, redness or burning sensations appear and contact with heated fluor rubber is suspected, contact a physician
immediately. If a machine or a component for a machine has been exposed to fire or other intense heat, it shall be handled
by specially trained personnel.
Thick protective neoprene rubber gloves and tight-fitting protective goggles must be used during all handling of machines
after a fire.
Burning of painted parts, plastic or rubber parts constitutes a health hazard.
The area around a heated part that is suspected of being made of fluor rubber must be decontaminated by thorough and
ample washing with lime water (a solution or suspension of calcium hydroxide, that is, slaked lime in water). After the work
has been completed, wash the protective gloves in lime water and discard them.
The safety instructions in the following checklist must be followed under all circumstances if a machine has been exposed to
a fire or other intense heat: