Position the engine block heater with bracket in the front edge of
the oil sump and connect both hose-ends to the engine block
heater's connections.
Take a screw from the kit and tighten the bracket with engine
block heater into the existing hole in the oil sump.
The screw is self-tapping so insertion may be slow. Make sure
that the screw is centred straight into the hole, so that the
screw head is flat against the bracket.
Adjust the engine block heater in the rubber coated clamp so
that the hoses are properly fitted on the engine block heater's
Tighten the screw to the rubber coated clamp.
Tighten the hose clamps to the engine block heater.
Install the double clamp to the cable for the alternator in the
engine block heater's upper hose.
Installation instructions, accessories
Volvo Car Corporation Gothenburg, Sweden
© Volvo Car Corporation
Electric engine block heater 110V- 31399531 - V1.0
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