In cases where a connector is connected to the designated
position, loosen the connector, fold back the cable and secure
the connector to the existing cable harness.
Use: Electrical tape.
Applies to all models
Illustration A
Continue to route cable harness A from the camera in the boot
lid under the insulation mat at the existing cable duct and to the
door opening in the left-hand rear door.
Illustration B
Pull out the B post panel at the lower edge until the two clips
Continue to route the cable harness in front of the B-pillar panel
and to the front of the car to the joint between the front and rear
floor mat.
Installation instructions, accessories
Volvo Car Corporation Gothenburg, Sweden
© Volvo Car Corporation
Parking assistance, camera, rear, (Ch -175378)- 30756319 - V1.2
Side 44 / 87