Unlocking the trunk with the master key
Normally, the trunk should be locked and unlocked via the central locking system using the remote control or by using
the key in the driver's door lock. This function should only be used if it is not possible to unlock the trunk via the
central locking system.
Unlocking the trunk in this manner will cause the alarm to sound. See
for information on
turning off the alarm.
This function will not unlock the other doors.
If, for any reason, it should be necessary to unlock the trunk with the master key:
· Press the key into the upper or lower edge of the cover over the lock in the trunk lid.
· Move the key upward or downward to remove the cover.
· Insert the master key in the lock and unlock the trunk.
Central locking buttons
Central locking buttons
These buttons (located on the both front door armrests) can be used to lock/unlock all doors and the trunk and set the
alarm if your car is so equipped.
The lock buttons on all doors can be used in the same way.
"Trunk lock" button*