Loosen wheel bolts
· Position the jack on the bar in the attachment (
in the illustration in right column) and crank while simultaneously
guiding the base of the jack to the ground.
The base of the jack must be flat on a level, firm, non-slippery surface.
Before raising the car, check that the jack is still correctly positioned in the attachment.
· Raise the vehicle until the wheel to be changed is lifted off the ground.
· Unscrew the wheel bolts completely and carefully remove the wheel so as not to damage the thread on the studs.
Attaching the jack
To avoid excessive wear and the necessity of rebalancing, mark and reinstall wheels in the same location and
position as before removal. To lessen the chance of imbalance, each wheel hub is equipped with a guide stud to ensure
that a removed wheel can be reinstalled in its original position (as when changing over to winter tires/wheels).
pg. 85 Changing wheels
Correct tightening order for wheel bolts
Installing the wheel
· Clean the contact surfaces on the wheel and hub.
· Lift the wheel and place it on the hub. Make sure that you align the wheel with the guide stud on the wheel hub prior
to installation.
· Install the wheel bolts crosswise (see illustration above) and tighten by turning lightly clockwise.
· Lower the vehicle to the ground and alternately tighten the bolts crosswise to 87 ft. lbs. (120 Nm).
· Install the wheel cap (where applicable).