Insert the hose into the rustproofing mixture. Start the engine
and allow it to idle until the mixture is finished. NOTE! The
water pump must never be allowed to run dry.
Since the rustproofing mixture does not provide any protection
against freezing, it must be drained from the engine and
reverse gear. Remove the cover from the cooling water pump.
Check to make sure the impeller is in good condition.
NOTE! Do not pull out the impeller if it is in good condition.
Remove the injector and hand it in to a diesel shop for cleaning
and checking. Inject Volvo Penta oil into the cylinder. Turn over
the engine several turns with the starter motor or the crank.
NOTE! Prevent oil splash. Fit the checked injector but do not
final-tighten it. It will be removed again before launching.
Clean the outside of the engine and reverse gear. Touch up any
bare patches on the paintwork with the same type of paint as
the original. Spray the electrical system components and all the
controls with anti-moisture spray.
Remove the battery. It needs to be maintained to prevent it from
being damaged.
Service in connection with launching
If Volvo Penta oil has been used, only the oil level in the engine
and reverse gear needs to be checked. If another type of
preservative oil has been used, both oil and filter must be
replaced. See under “Service 14 after every 50 hours of