e) Performing Test Measurements
Before using the cable detector for the first time, fami-
liarise yourself with its function. This works best with a
simulated error source.
Take a piece of 3-pole installation cable (approx. 5
meters) and attach it temporarily to a wall that is
accessible from the front and back. Remove the
jacket isolation approx. 1.5 m away from the cable
end. Cut one of the cable’s conductors. Connect the
transmitter to the test cable as indicated. Connect the
interrupted conductor to the red measuring socket,
the other conductors to the black one. Also connect
the black socket to the earth potential.
Switch on the transmitter and receiver.
Move the receiver along the cable until the interrup-
tion is recognised. Repeat this on both sides of the
Vary the signal strength at the transmitter or the sensitivity at the receiver (manual mode) for the best
possible test result.