Alternating voltage
100,000 mV
± (1% + 50) at 40Hz ~ 65Hz [1]
1000,00 mV
± (1,95% + 50) at 66Hz ~ 1kHz [1]
± (3,9% + 50) at 1.01kHz ~ 3kHz [2]
10,0000 V
± (1,3% + 50) at 40Hz ~ 45Hz [1]
100,000 V
± (0,52% + 50) at 46Hz ~ 65Hz [1]
1000,00 V
± (1,3% + 50) at 66Hz ~ 1kHz [1]
10,0000 V
± (2,6% + 50) at 1,01kHz ~ 10kHz [1]
100,000 V
± (3,9% + 50) at 10,01kHz ~ 20kHz [2]
± (6,5% + 50) at 20,01kHz ~ 50kHz [3]
± (13% + 50) at 50,01kHz ~ 100kHz [3] [4]
[1] Under 5 % of measuring range: +70 counts
[2] Under 5 % of measuring range : +150 counts
[3] Under 5 % of measuring range : +350 counts
[4] At 100.000 V the accuracy is ± (15% + 50)
Crest factor >2.5 - 3.0: +4.0% Type of measurement: True RMS,
AC-coupled, calibrated to the sine waveform. For non-sinussoidal
measuring signals the following measuring errors must be added:
Crest factor 1.4 - 2.0: +1.0%
Crest factor >2.0 - 2.5: +2.5%
AC+DC measurement accuracy: +1.0%
dB/dBm: ± 60 dBm
Direct current
10.0000 mA
± (0.13% + 40)
100.000 mA
10.0000 A
± (0.13% + 80)
Alternating current
10.0000 mA
± (0.91% + 80) at 40Hz ~ 65Hz
100.000 mA
± (2.6% + 80) at 66Hz ~ 1KHz
10.0000 A
Under 5% of measuring range: +70 Counts
Under 45 Hz the display can move <50 counts
Type of measurement: True RMS, AC-coupled, calibrated to sinu-
soidal waveform. The deviation in non-sine shaped measurement
signals corresponds to the AC voltage.