10. CommISSIoNINg
After insertion of the battery/rechargeable battery, you can start with the desired measuring
Always connect the black measuring line to the connection “10” and the red measuring line
to the connection “11” when required. This avoids possible reading errors of the values after
For this, select the desired measuring value via the adjustment wheel “6”.
The LC display lights up and the current injection probe is ready for operation.
For details on measurement, see chapter “10” Operation.
To save energy, the current injection probe switches off automatically after being
inactive for 10 minutes.
To continue measurement, set the adjustment wheel “6” to the “OFF” position and
then select the desired measuring value again.
Observe the description of the individual figures in each chapter for the different measu-
rement types!
11. oPEratIoN
a) hoLD function
Use the HOLD function to display the current measured value and interrupt the measurement.
For this, push the button “7” during a measurement. The display indicates “H”. To deactivate,
push the button “7” again briefly. You may continue the measurement.
b) LC Display Lighting
For better legibility on the LC-display, the “VC 505” is equipped with backlighting. To activate
it, push the button “7” for at least 2 seconds. To deactivate the lighting, push the button “7”
briefly twice.
If you set the adjustment wheel “6” to OFF while it is lit, it is deactivated as well and must be
activated again for the next measurement to save energy.