Holders for pen and notepad
There are holders for a pen and a notepad in the glove compartment cover
Button in the glove compartment
The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) SET button is also located in the glove compartment
An open glove compartment door can increase the risk of serious injury during sudden brak-
ing or driving maneuvers or in a crash.
Always keep the glove compartment closed while the vehicle is moving.
In some vehicle models, design considerations have made it necessary to have openings in the
glove compartment behind the owner's manual slot, for example. Small items may fall through
these openings and get behind the instrument panel. This can cause unusual noises and dam-
age the vehicle. Never put any small objects in the glove compartment for this reason.
Rear center armrest storage compartment
Fig. 126
Rear center armrest storage compartment.
Please first read and note the introductory information and heed the WARNINGS
There may be a storage compartment in the rear center armrest or in the rear bench behind the center
If the center armrest is folded down, no one can sit on the middle seat of the rear bench.
Opening or closing the center armrest storage compartment
, fold down the center armrest, pull the tab
fig. 126
(small arrow) and fold up the lid.
, fold the lid down.