11 / 16
10 mph [ 16 kilometers /hr].
Be certain the ailerons , elevator and rudder respond correctly and that none
of the controls have inadvertently become reversed.
If the surface is smooth ( such as paverment or blacktop) the plane can take off
from the ground. But most
Perform a Range Check
performing a range test is a good way to detect problems that could cause loss of control such as low batteries
defective or damaged radio components or radio interference. This usually requires an assistant and should be
First turn on the transmitter. Then, install the fully charged battery into the fuselage and hold it in place with the
hook-and-loop strap. Connect the battery and install the hatch.
causing damage or injury.
With the antenna on the transmitter collapsed (not extended ) , begin walking away from the model operating
the controls in a predictable pattern (for example: Up, then down elevator. Right, then left aileron. Right, then
left rudder). While moving the control surfaces, also vary motor rpm.
Have your assistant alert you if the controls fail to respond or if they move suddenly or erratically. You should
If the controls respond erratically or if anything else seems wrong, make certain a ll the servo w ires are
securely connected t o the receiver and that the transmitter and r eceiver batteries are fully charged. If you
After the range check, fully extend the antenna.
getting low you will usually notice a performance d rop before the ESC cuts off motor power, s o when you
motor cuts off by holding the throttle stick all the way down for a few seconds.
the alarm sounds you should land your model.
Take off