PAViX - User Guide
Version 3.2
Created 10.2017
Page 30 / 48
5.7.2 Program updates
The programs contain the fitting parameters required for hand setting operations.
In order to use the PAViX, it must contain hand-setting programs that are transferred using a SD card according
to the following procedure:
PAViX screen
To transfer programs, insert the SD card and select
NOTE: When updating, the information contained on the
SD card has priority
When the user validates the action with the right-hand
side button, the programs contained in the device’s
memory are updated and hand fitting data is automatically
transferred to the SD card.
The PAViX memory can contain up to 1,000 programs. The PAViX memory can be erased using the Trash icon
from the ADMIN menu. When updating the programs, movement holder height references are erased.
The SD cards used must be formatted to FAT32, allocation unit size 1024 for full formatting.
5.7.3 Recovery of hand fitting results
The PAViX is equipped with a system that traces hand-setting operations. The PAViX can store up to 9,000
We therefore recommend saving the device’s memory on a regular basis. Data export is carried out as follows:
PAViX screen
To retrieve stored data, insert the SD card and select (
NOTE: The data stored in the PAViX memory is erased
after the transfer.