Viewing Photo-CDs
When creating a Photo-CD you can either include several .jpeg formatted images in a root menu or you can
create a photo slideshow with third-party software. Photo images must be in .jpeg format and image rendering
times will differ image to image depending on the resolution of each image.
Loading a Photo-CD
When loading a Photo-CD, you have the option of choosing via a main menu or linear playback with no menu.
To select menu support, you will need to have the SmartNav feature enabled. When SmartNav is enabled,
after inserting a Photo-CD, a file menu will automatically appear with image viewing options made available..
When SmartNav is disabled, no menu screen will be available and the disc will NOT autoplay, but play after
pressing play, manually activating the slide show. (Please refer to the SmartNav section in the setup options
in this manual.
Photo-CD Playback
To playback a Photo-CD with SmartNav disabled.
Insert a Photo-CD.
Press play after the disc has been loaded.
To playback a Photo-CD with SmartNav disabled.
When playing a CD with the SmartNav enabled, you have several playback modes available:
The first playback mode available will be Single Mode. Single Mode displays one photo at a time. When
viewing in single mode you can only view images one folder at a time.
REP-1 mode will repeat the same image indefinitely until STOP is pressed. Image navigation is not available
in REP-1 mode.
Folder Mode
Plays images sequentially in a selected folder. When all images have been viewed in a selected folder,
viewing will auto disengage.
Folder REP Mode
Repeats images within a selected folder infinitely until stop is pressed.
Disk Scan Mode
Will preview each image within the Photo-CD at brief intervals. Preview will auto disengage after all images
have been viewed once.
Disk Mode
Each image in each folder on a Photo-CD will be viewed sequentially until all images have been viewed
Disk Repeat
All images will repeat infinitely until STOP is pressed.
In Random mode all images on the Photo-CD will be viewed in a random order until all images have been
Shuffle on
Similar to random mode except random images are played from within a selected folder only.