VMAC - Vehicle Mounted Air Compressors
VMAC Technical Support: 888-241-2289
VMAC Knowledge Base: www.kb.vmacair.com
Figure 50 — Installing the cable tray
Slide the heat shrink tubing over the connection and, using a heat gun, carefully
apply heat to the heat shrink tubing to seal the connection.
Using a cable tie, secure the OEM cable tray to the water pump (Figure 50).
Using the (×3) OEM bolts, install the power steering pump onto the VMAC main
Protect the battery cables, and alternator harness, using a piece of the scrap
radiator hose retained earlier in the installation and secure with cable ties.
Reinstall the power steering pump pulley (if removed).
Install the OEM idler onto the VMAC main bracket in the location noted when
the idler was removed (Figure 51).
Install the stator mount onto the VMAC main bracket (Figure 51).
Figure 51 — Installing the stator mount
Fan stator