Programmable Control Panel
Detailed looping connecting
Up to 99 programmable control panels can be looped within one system.
However, to achieve normal interaction, loop less programmable control panels (10
tops) in the system.
System Operations
USB Driver Installation
There are USB driver file and PS-WP software in the disk. The PS-WP can run directly
without installation.
But when connect VL120018 with PC by USB, it may need to install the USB driver.
Use the driver file to install the driver of USB, we can use USB to program the
programmable control panel.
Software Programming
You can use this software PS-WP to easily set every button of the programmable
control panel.
After connect VL120018 with PC by USB or RS232, we can open the PS-WP to
program the buttons for controlling.
The main window of PS-WP has five parts: main menu, panel (button) setting, event
setting, action list and event list. In this manual we will take programmable control
panels-V for example, to show the uses of all functions.
The main window of PS-WP is as below:
First class
Second class
Last class