NVR Manual
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7.3 Digital Zooming
During image preview and playback, roll mouse
roller to do digital zooming, it zoom the image as
mouse pointer as the center. The max can do 15X
zooming. Drag the zoomed image by mouse to see
image detail.
The channel is recording. Light flashing means frame lost or recording lost.
Magnifying glass: digital zooming, the red number in the middle is magnification figures, click
this icon, it can change to PTZ control
8. Manual Capture
Right click to bring main menu, click
, it supports all channels manual capturing. After
capture, there is information to hint capturing is successful or
failure or this channel does not support capture. The image of
capture resolution is D1 by JPG format, and it is saved in
special area, the recording file will not replace it .
Capture image can be viewed or backup in file manage folder.
Right click to bring main menu, click
File Manager
and click Refresh button, the captured file
shows in the file list area, the file are named by channel number&capture time, double click it to
Capture back up:
plug flash disk by USB port, click Refresh to check whether flash disk connect
well, then select the capture files that need back up, and click Back Up to begin it.
Zoom In
Zoom Out