NVR Manual
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3. Host Side Operation
3.1 Start System
Plug power cable, press power switch, the power led will be on and the NVR will start. After
booting, the video output default to multi-window output mode. If the booting time is within the
record setting time period, the system will auto enable the record function.
Please use the NVR matching power supply instead of any other power supply of any other
type or brand.
3.2 System Login
After normal booting, right click to bring the menu,
select Start
input the user name: admin and password blank (default to be blank) in the input box
1) Power Off: click “Power off” button, the device will shutdown.
2) Reboot: click “Reboot” button, the device will reboot.
3) Login: click “Login” button , user name: admin,
password: blank
4) onLock: click “Lock” , the menu will be locked.
5) User Guide: Setup the basic settings step by step.
3.3 IP Channel Setting
After login successfully, system will pop out the host side
IP address setting menu automatically, after setting successfully click “ OK”, then it will pop out the
menu for IP channel setting, click “ Yes”, the system will save the IP automatically. If need to
manual setting IP address, click “NO”.