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Mikroto’lqinli pechda foydalanish uchun yaroqli materiallar va idishlar

Alyuminiy zarqog’ozi 

Zarqog’ozdan faqat gril ishlash rejimida foydalanish mumkin. 
Zarqog’oz va mikroto’lqinli pechning devorlari o’rtasidagi masofa 
kamida 2,5 sm ni tashkil etishi lozim. 
Zarqog’ozning kichik bo’laklaridan go’sht yoki parranda go’shtining 
yupqa bo’laklarini o’ta qovurilib ketishdan asrash maqsadida bekitish 
uchun foydalanish mumkin. 

Mikroto’lqinlar rejimida - agar zarqog’oz pechning devorlariga 
o’ta yaqin joylashgan bo’lsa, uchqunlab ketish, eshikdagi ekran 
beruvchi panjaraning yonib ketishi va pechning ishdan chiqishi 
kabilar yuzaga kelishi mumkin. Bu holda Siz bepul kafolatli xizmat 
ko’rsatish va ta’mirlash o’tkazilishi huquqidan mahrum bo’lasiz. 

Qovurish uchun idishlar 

Ishlab chiqaruvchining ko’rsatmalariga amal qiling.
Qovurish uchun idishning tubi aylanadigan 

shisha taglikka qaraganda 

5 mm ga qalinroq bo’lishi kerak. Qovurish uchun idishning noto’g’ri 
ishlatilishi ham idishning o’zida, ham 

shisha taglikda

 darzlar paydo 

bo’lishiga olib kelishi mumkin


Ovqatlanish uchun idishlar 

Faqat mikroto’lqinli pechda foydalanish uchun mo’ljallangan idishlar. 
Idishlarni ishlab chiqaruvchining ko’rsatmalariga amal qiling. Darz 
ketgan yoki chetlari uchgan idishlardan foydalanmang.

Shisha sig’imlar 

Faqat issiqqa chidamli shishadan tayyorlangan va mikroto’lqinli pechda 
foydalanish uchun mo’ljallangan sig’imlar. Ularda metall halqalar 
yo’qligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Darz ketgan yoki chetlari uchgan 
idishlardan foydalanmang. 

Shisha idishlar 

Faqat issiqqa chidamli shishadan tayyorlangan va mikroto’lqinli pechda 
foydalanish uchun mo’ljallangan idishlar. Ularda metall halqalar 
yo’qligiga ishonch hosil qiling. Darz ketgan yoki chetlari uchgan 
idishlardan foydalanmang. 

Mikroto’lqinli pechda 
maxsus qopchalardan 
foydalanib ovqat 
tayyorlash jarayoni  

Ishlab chiqaruvchining ko’rsatmalariga amal qiling. Metall simlardan 
yoki tortish tizimchalaridan foydalanib, qopchalarni yopmang. 
Qopchalarda bug’ chiqishi uchun bir yoki bir nechta tuynuklarni ochish 

Qog’oz tarelkalar va 

Faqat qisqa muddatli tayyorlash/isitish uchun foydalaning. Bunday 
idishda oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarni tayyorlash/isitish paytida mikroto’lqinli 
pechni qarovsiz qoldirmang. 

Qog’oz sochiqlar

Tayyorlanadigan mahsulotlarni ularning ichida issiqlikni ushlab qolish 
uchun va yog’ning sachrab ketishining oldini olish uchun yopib qo’yish 
mumkin. Ulardan faqat doimiy nazorat qilib turganda va faqat qisqa 
muddatli tayyorlash/isitish uchun foydalaning. 

Pergament qog’ozi 

Yog’ning sachrab ketishining oldini olish maqsadida yoki o’ram sifatida 
foydalaning. Ulardan faqat doimiy nazorat qilib turganda va faqat qisqa 
muddatli tayyorlash/isitish uchun foydalaning.


Faqat tegishli - «Mikroto’lqinli pechar uchun yaroqli» degan tamg’alari 
bo’lgan plastik buyumlar. Ishlab chiqaruvchining ko’rsatmalariga amal 
Ba’zi plastik sig’imlar ichidagi oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari isishi natijasida 
yumshab qolishi mumkin.
Germetik yopilgan plastik paketlarni o’ramlarning o’zida ko’rsatilgani 
kabi teshish yoki kesib qo’yish kerak bo’ladi. 

Plastik qoplamlar 

Faqat tegishli tamg’alari bo’lgan plastik buyumlar. Tayyorlanayotgan 
oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini ularda namlik saqlanib qolishi maqsadida 
yopib qo’yish mumkin. 

1682.indd   74

1682.indd   74

09.04.2010   14:23:41

09.04.2010   14:23:41

Downloaded From Manuals

Summary of Contents for VT-1682

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Page 3: ...ny person conduct ing the repairs if it is necessary to remove the metal housing that provides protection from microwave radiation Do not repair the microwave oven yourself WARNING Do not forget to op...

Page 4: ...longed rapid boiling of liquid foods and drinks and also to prevent burns we recommend stirring the product before and in the middle of the cooking proc ess To do this start cooking wait a while remov...

Page 5: usage of the unit 21 Be careful Outer surfaces of the unit including the door heat up during operation 22 Place the unit with its rear panel to the wall CAUTION Injury due to electric shock Touchin...

Page 6: ...f the cookware for frying can lead to the appearance of cracks in the cookware and in the glass tray Dinner cookware Only cookware intended for usage in the microwave oven Follow the manufacturer s in...

Page 7: ...and flame out Description 1 Door interlock system 2 Viewing window 3 Microwaves output 4 Glass tray support 5 Roller ring 6 Glass tray 7 Control panel 8 Grill rack Used only in Grill mode Control pane...

Page 8: ...covers and the wall free space above the oven should be no less than 30 cm Do not remove supports from the microwave oven bottom cover Do not close ventilation openings on the oven housing The microwa...

Page 9: ...s will be performed the unit will return to the previous mode au tomatically The current time must be set before selecting the automatic start program If a cooking program is not selected only cooking...

Page 10: ...ton defrosting products by the preset time will start Automatic cooking menu 1 vegetable 2 fish 3 meat 4 pasta 5 potato 6 pizza 7 soup 8 porridge Automatic cooking programs table Automatic mode Weight...

Page 11: 45 grill cooking fish potato C 2 36 of time microwave cooking 64 grill cooking of omelets baked potato and poultry 1 Press the Grill Combi button twice or thrice the selected combination mode symbo...

Page 12: ...ot allow moisture to contact the control panel Clean it with a soft lightly dampened paper towel Keep the oven s cooking chamber clean If pieces of food or liquid sprays are left on the chamber walls...

Page 13: ...ectrical devices like mixers vacuum cleaners and electrical fans This is a normal occurrence The oven light is dim If the oven is set to a low power level the light in the cooking chamber may also be...

Page 14: ...en 1 pc Glass tray 1 pc Roller ring 1 pc Grill rack 1 pc Instruction manual 1 pc Warranty card 1 pc Recipe book 1 pc Individual container 1 pc Specifications subject to change without prior notice Ser...

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Page 24: ...0 350 500 500 fish 2 150 150 250 250 350 350 400 400 450 450 meat 3 150 150 300 300 450 450 600 600 pasta 4 50 450 50 100 800 100 150 1200 150 potato 5 1 230 1 2 460 2 3 690 3 pizza 6 1 80 1 2 160 2 3...

Page 25: ...orridge 8 550 550 1100 1100 350 1 2 2 350 3 30 1 G 1 2 99 99 3 30 C 1 55 45 C 2 36 64 1 1 2 2 99 99 3 30 1 150 2 150 250 350 400 1682 indd 25 1682 indd 25 09 04 2010 14 23 39 09 04 2010 14 23 39 Downl...

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Page 37: ...2 150 150 250 250 350 350 400 400 450 450 meat 3 150 150 300 300 450 450 600 600 pasta 4 50 450 50 100 800 100 150 1200 150 potato 5 1 230 1 2 460 2 3 690 3 pizza 6 1 80 1 2 160 2 3 250 3 soup 7 500 5...

Page 38: ...2 350 3 30 1 G 1 2 99 99 3 30 C 1 55 45 C 2 36 64 1 1 2 2 99 99 3 30 1 150 2 150 250 350 400 3 30 10 15 80 1 2 10 10 3 80 80 38 1682 indd 38 1682 indd 38 09 04 2010 14 23 40 09 04 2010 14 23 40 Downl...

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Page 50: ...5 10 10 1 2 3 30 1 dEF1 2 100 2000 3 30 1 dEF2 2 99 99 3 30 1 vegetable 2 fish 3 meat 4 pasta 5 potato 6 pizza 7 soup 8 porridge 50 1682 indd 50 1682 indd 50 09 04 2010 14 23 40 09 04 2010 14 23 40 Do...

Page 51: ...0 pasta 4 50 450 50 100 800 100 150 1200 150 potato 5 1 230 1 2 460 2 3 690 3 pizza 6 1 80 1 2 160 2 3 250 3 soup 7 500 500 750 750 1000 1000 porridge 8 550 550 1100 1100 350 1 2 2 350 3 30 1 G 1 2 99...

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Page 65: ...0 300 450 450 600 600 pasta 4 50 450 50 100 800 100 150 1200 150 potato 5 1 230 1 2 460 2 3 690 3 pizza 6 1 80 1 2 160 2 3 250 3 soup 7 500 500 750 750 1000 1000 porridge 8 550 550 1100 1100 350 1 2 2...

Page 66: ...C 1 55 45 C 2 36 64 1 1 2 2 99 99 3 30 1 150 2 150 250 350 400 3 30 10 15 80 1 2 10 10 3 80 80 4 10 1 15 5 30 66 1682 indd 66 1682 indd 66 09 04 2010 14 23 41 09 04 2010 14 23 41 Downloaded From Micr...

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Page 70: ...I YuZASIDAN MUHIM KO RSATMALAR OGOHLANTIRISh Agar pech eshikchasidagi ekranlashtiruvchi panjara shikastlangan bo lsa mikroto lqinli pechdan foydalanish taqiqlanadi OGOHLANTIRISh Agar ta mirlash paytid...

Page 71: kuyishi yoki yonib ketishiga olib kelishi mumkin Agar mahsulotlar yonib ketishi sodir bo lgan holatlarda Eshikchani ochmang Mikroto lqinli pechni o chiring va tarmoq vilkasini rozetkadan chiqarib o...

Page 72: ...i tushib ketganligi tufayli tegishli ravishda ishlamayotgan taqdirda mikroto lqinli pechdan foydalanmang 10 Mikroto lqinli pechni ta mirlashro yxatga olingan servis markazining mutaxassislari tomonida...

Page 73: ...n tarmoq vilkasi va rozetkasi bo lgan uch simli uzaytirgichdan foydalaning Mikroto lqinli pechning tarmoq kabelidagi simlarning tamg alanishi va uzaytirgichning simidagi tamg alanish mos kelishi lozim...

Page 74: ...o lqinli pechda foydalanish uchun mo ljallangan idishlar Ularda metall halqalar yo qligiga ishonch hosil qiling Darz ketgan yoki chetlari uchgan idishlardan foydalanmang Mikroto lqinli pechda maxsus q...

Page 75: ...ovun erib ketishi va mikroto lqinli pechning ish kamerasining i oslanishiga olib kelishi mumkin Yog och Yog och idishlar qurib ketshi darz ketishi va yonib ketishi mumkin Ta ri 1 Bloklash tizimi bo lg...

Page 76: ...honchli yerga tutashuvi bo lgan tarmoq rozetkasiga ulang Pechni tekis barqaror yuzaga o rnating Kichik yoshli bolalar yeta olmaydigan joyni tanlang Pechni shunday o rnatish kerakki devordan pechning o...

Page 77: ...qamlari esa yonib o chib turadi 8 yoki tugmalarining yordamida minutlarni 0 dan 59 gacha oraliqda belgilang 9 Tasdiqlash uchun Start tugmasini bosing belgilari esa yonib o chib turadi 10 Ovqatni tayyo...

Page 78: ...ko ra eritish 1 Vazniga vaqtiga ko ra eritish tugmasini bosing displeyda dEF1 yonib chiqadi 2 yoki tugmalarning yordamida mahsulotining vaznini 100 grammdan 2000 grammgacha oraliqda belgilang 3 Start...

Page 79: ...rta 500 750 Ikki marta 750 1000 Uch marta 1000 Bo tqa porridge A 8 550 Bir marta 550 1100 Ikki marta 1100 Misol Vazni 350 grammlik baliqni tayyorlash 1 Menyu tugmasini ikki marta bosing displeyda A 2...

Page 80: ...g jarayoni boshlanadi displeyda oziq ovqat mahsulotlarini tayyorlashning qolgan vaqti aks ettiriladi Avtomatik isitish rejimi 1 Joriy vaqt rejimida Avtomatik isitish tugmasini bosing displeyda 150 bel...

Page 81: ...arvarish qilish Tozalashdan avval pechni o chiring va tarmoq simini rozetkadan olib qo ying Boshqarish paneliga namlik tushishiga yo l qo ymang Uni yumshoq sal nam bo lgan salfetka bilan tozalang Pech...

Page 82: ...nlar hosil bo lishi mumkin Mikser changyutgich va elektr fen kabi kichik elektr buyumlari ishlaganda ham xuddi shunday shovqinloar yuzaga keladi Bu normal holatdir Yoritishning yorqinligi past Agar mi...

Page 83: ...410 x 295 mm O ramsiz vazni ko pi bilan 14 0 kg Qimmatbaho metallarning miqdori Oltin 0 g Kumush 1 06794 g Etkazib berish to plami Pech 1 dona Shisha taglik 1 dona Rolikli halqa 1 dona Gril panjarasi...

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