Vitalograph In2itive User Manual
Cat. No. 07514
Issue 5
Page 12 of 45 DT_0006-6
1. Select the Subject button, to bring you into the Select Subject
2. You can list the subjects saved on the device by selecting
either the Name or ID tab.
3. To select a subject from the database, hi-light the subject. This
will allow you the view the subject details. Select Enter to make
the subject current.
4. To create a new subject, select the New tab. Enter the subject
details by hi-lighting the required field and typing in the
information using the touch panel keypad. Additional subject
information may also be entered by selecting the Optional tab.
Press the Enter button to save the subject to the database and
return to the Home Menu.
Note: The current subject surname and forename will be
displayed on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. If the
subject name is not entered then the subject ID will be
displayed. If the subject has test session results associated
with it then the subject name and ID will appear in black. If
there are no test session results then the subject name and
ID will appear in grey.
Performing a Test Session
Checks to Make before Performing a Test Session
Before starting a test session, there are a number of checks which
should be made:
1. Ensure that the accuracy of the Vitalograph In2itive unit was
checked recently. (Refer to the section on Checking Accuracy)
2. Ensure a subject is selected (subject ID or name will appear on the
status bar at the bottom of the
Main Menu
) and the required
demographic information is entered for the subject.
3. Fit a disposable BVF or SafeTway mouthpiece. The use of a
disposable noseclip is also recommended.
Performing a VC Test
Perform the VC test as follows:
1. Select the ‘VC Test’ option from the
Main Menu
2. Wait for the ‘Exhale to Begin’ icon to appear.