label (reorder part # for dongle is 67201). Is the BT adaptor dongle connected and operating? A flashing green LED
indicator on the dongle shows the power or standby status of adapter.
Ensure that the correct Bluetooth drivers are installed on the PC. The operating system needs to have the
Microsoft Generic Bluetooth Radio Driver and the Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator Driver installed. Reference
NOTE 2 on how to check this.
Ensure BlueSoleil drivers are uninstalled. Reference NOTE 3
If the BT adaptor dongle is connected and the dongle LED indicator is not flashing green, then please try a
replacement dongle (reorder part # for dongle is 67201).
If the above have been checked and the BT12 device does still not pair, reset the BT12 and the BT connection.
Reference NOTE 4
Recording Issues
Low Battery issues - Verify BT12 ECG device battery charge status. Replace the batteries when the BT12 ECG
device display “battery symbol” flashes or shows no more bars
Set Spirotrac line filter to the correct mains power frequency for the country/location by opening Spirotrac and
going to Tools\Options \ECG
Black bars on the Spirotrac display could indicate faulty electrode contact, transmission interference or too much
distance between the patient and PC. Check the electrode contact, and, if necessary, apply contact spray again
where the skin and electrodes come into contact. Reduce the distance between the patient and PC. During a
recording, the radio symbol on the BT12 ECG device may flash or disappear from the BT12 display to indicate the
wireless connection has been interrupted. Black bars may appear on the ECG recording. To resolve the issue,
reduce the distance between the BT12 device and the BT adaptor dongle by moving closer to the PC/Compact
(Ensure that BT12 device is within line of sight to BT adaptor dongle on PC/Compact if possible)
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