User manual 4
3 ATM connection to the VX-ATM
The connection between the ATM and the VX-ATM it is done thought the local network cable
or from the ATM serial port to the unit USB port.
1.- Connection through local network, HTTP connection.
1. The connection is being made through a network cable between the ATM and the
VX-ATM unit.
2. The ATM must have integrated the POS-HTTP
data transmission protocol
supplied by the
of the VX-ATM units. For this process it is
necessary that the ATM software manufacturer integrates the POS-HHTTP
protocol in the ATM this way the machine can transfer transactions to the VX-ATM
through the local network.
3. The VX-ATM has a
specific key
for this protocol, the ATM must have this key
configured to communicate.
4. The ATM has an ID that has to be defined in the VX-ATM unit, in the
For further information please contact to the support department:
Phone: +34 917 294 844
2.- Connection through ATM serial port.
The ATM has to send the texts through a RS232 serial line. To connect the RS232 to the VX-
ATM unit it is necessary to use a RS232-USB adapter provided by the manufacturer.