Siren Signals
Alarm Type
Graphic Representation of Signal
Verbal Description of Signal
Burglar / 24
hour/ Panic
ON continuously
– – – – – – – – – – – –
ON - ON - ON - pause - ON - ON - ON - pause .....
(both external and internal sirens)
ON for 2 seconds (once)
* Supplementary use only.
Useful Hints For P Users
Stopping an alarm:
When the alarm sounds -
press the DISARM (
) button on your key-ring
transmitter or press
on the keypad and then
enter your access code (1 1 1 1 by default).
Stopping trouble beeps:
When trouble occurs in
the system, the TROUBLE indicator on the front panel
will light, and a sequence of 3 beeps will sound once
per minute. If you do not wish to eliminate the trouble
immediately and the beeps are bothersome, press the
) button on your key-ring transmitter, or
on the keypad and then enter your
access code (
1 1 1 1
by default). This will silence the
buzzer for 4 hours, after which the trouble beeps will
resume sounding. Be advised, however, that in any
case the trouble beeps are silenced during night
Perimeter and interior zones versus 24-hour
Most of the protection sensors in your system
are linked to perimeter and interior zones. These
alarms while the system is in the
state and
do not trigger
alarms while the system is in
state. Other sensors are linked to 24-
hour zones which trigger alarms irrespective of
Arming while perimeter zones are not
secured (doors and/or windows are open):
Your display will read “NOT READY” if a protected
door or window is open. You can find out which zone
is “not ready” by clicking the <
> button. You
can eliminate the problem by closing the door/window
or by performing "Forced arming" (zone deactivation)
if this option was enabled by the system installer. In
case you intentionally choose to bypass a zone, leave
the door or window open and arm the system (a voice
message will announce that ”Forced Arming” is under
Bypassed zones will not be protected during one
arming period.
Gaining access to 24-hour zones:
If you wish
to access a sensor defined as a 24-hour zone without
causing an alarm:
> - the display will read:
> again - the display will read:
> - the display will read:
CODE ___.
Key your secret 4-digit <
User Code
> - the buzzer will
play the “happy tune” (- - - ––––).
You have 4 minutes during which the 24-hour sensor
can be opened and accessed. When the 4 minutes
are up, the system will automatically revert to the
normal mode.
Canceling accidental alarms:
Upon alarm, the
internal sounder is activated first for a limited period of
time (set by the installer). Then the external siren
starts and the event is reported to the central
monitoring station. If you accidentally cause an alarm,
you may simply disarm the system before the external
siren starts - the alarm will not be reported.
If you cause an alarm accidentally and the external
siren has already started - you can still disarm the
system within a time limit set by the installer (1 to 15
minutes, as desired). If you manage to disarm on time,
message will be automatically
sent to the central monitoring station.
Failing to exit before the exit delay expires:
If you exit the protected site after the exit delay expires
(the exit delay beeps stop), the system will interpret
this as if you just entered. The entry delay countdown
will begin and the entry delay beeps will sound. To
prevent an alarm, you must disarm the system before
the entry delay expires.
Unauthorized entry took place while you
were away:
If you hear alarm sirens when you are
about to re-enter the premises, and lights which
should be off are on - an intruder may still be inside or
another event may have occurred. Do not confront the
intruder - remain outside and call the emergency