[0] No Exit Delay Arming & Quick Exit
+ 0
During the exit delay period, enter + 0 to arm the system immediately. This will cancel
the remainder of the exit delay.
While your system is armed, press + 0 to bypass the entire system for two minutes. You
may enter or exit freely until the system automatically returns to its prior armed status at the
end of the two minute period. Press to abort this timer and return the system to its
armed state.
User Programming
System Users with appropriate authority can set User PINs, system time, auto-
armimg time, and other advanced features. Only User PINs with authority
levels 01 and 02 can access this area.
Press [1] + to enter User PIN Programming. Then press the address of the PIN you wish
to program [01, 02...08] and press . Now enter the 4 digits you wish to use for the PIN
number, press , set the two digit authorization level and press . Either continue
entering codes and authorization levels, or press two times to exit User PIN program-
ming. (see below for more information regarding User PIN Authorization Levels)
[1] User PINs 1 +
Carefully follow the appropriate programming sequence listed below. If
necessary, press once to return (escape) to the ‘Home’ Mode for User
Programming, or twice to return to the system-wide ‘Home’ Mode.
Entering User Programmming + 8 + PIN
While the system is disarmed, press
+ 8 + PIN to enter User Programming.
When the system is in User programming’s ‘Home’ Mode, the Ready and Fire
LEDs are lit and the Memory LED blinks.