E. UPSilon2000 for FreeBSD and Linux
1. Log in as a super-user.
2. Use the 'ftp' utility in MS-
DOS to copy files into the system directory “/tmp”.
3. Follow the instructions below to make the filename conversion after the 'ftp'
File transfer:
#mv linux.z linux.Z, or
#mv LINUX.Z linux.Z
#chmod 755 install
4. Execute the installation program:
5. Select a target system from the menu, and configure the UPSilon for
Unix (Make sure no other process using the same serial port), the
installation Program will launch the UPSilon for Unix daemon process
5.2.2. Important Note:
A. The cable enclosed with the UPSilon 2000 software contents special design.
Other sell-on-shelf cable might not work with the software properly.
B. For more detailed setup and operation of the software, please refer to the
user manual in the CD-R.