Getting Started VC Smart Cameras
Resetting the IP address with VC4XXX and VC6XXX Smart Cameras using “VCnet”:
A new tool – the “Vcnet Recovery Tool” is provided for resetting the IP address of the VC cameras.
Vcnet Recovery is supported from camera OS VCRT 5.21.
In order to use the VCnet Recovery tool, follow the steps below:
1. Download
on your PC.
-> Service & Support ->
Download Center -> Software
Software Utilities
3. Unpack the “” folder a directory on your harddrive (for instance C:\ti\Util…).
4. Open the Dos command line window and change to the directory containing “vcnet.jar”.
5. Execute the following command from the DOS Window "java -jar vcnet.jar -snr 5912345" , by specifying
the camera serial number as shown. This command sends vcp packets via UDP broadcast for the next
15 seconds. Sending this command resets the corresponding camera to the default IP address and
bypasses Autoexec execution. Further options below.
6. Boot the corresponding camera (power on) during the next 15 seconds. During start up the camera
listens 0.5 seconds for vcp packets send with vcnet.jar.
7. If a valid vcp packet is received from camera an answer packet is sent (see example below). The
camera continues booting in standard configuration:
Default IP address:
Gateway: none
An autoexec in flash memory is not executed.
An autoexec file residing in flash memory is not executed when VCnet is called!
The IP reset and auto exec bypass is only temporary! In order to change the IP address or
autoexec, the corresponding file needs to be changed.
The timeout for receiving packets is set to 15 seconds after start of VCnet.
Since UDP is not a “fail safe” protocol, execution of VCNet may not work at the first time.
Repeat calling VCNet if necessary.
Example of resetting a VCSBC4018, S/N 0100151:
C:\Programme\VCnet>java -jar vcnet.jar -snr 0100151
VCnet Recovering Tool Version 1.2 - Copyright Vision Components 2005
Recovering Serial Number = 100151
Listening on port 67 for incoming packets!
Packet 2 from: /
===Data as Text:===
1996-2011 Vision Components GmbH Ettlingen, Germany