background image



•  Do not use for as long as the tank is empty, and never attempt to operate the humidi-

fier without water.

• Do not touch the ultrasound plate.

• Clean regularly in accordance with the maintenance instructions to avoid any failure. 

•  Always disconnect the appliance from the mains before any maintenance work 

(cleaning, storing) or when it is not used. 

•  For reasons of hygiene, after use, drain the water from the tank, and then wipe with 

a clean and dry cloth.

• Essential oils can cause stains. In case of contact, wipe with a soft cloth.

• Use the graduated container to add water. Never fill the tank directly from the tap.

• Do not send the steam toward furniture, clothing, a wall, etc.

• Keep away from direct sunlight, heat sources, air conditioners or fans.

•  Always place the appliance on a flat stable surface, not on a carpet or a rug, on a quilt 

or any unstable surface. 

• Keep away from electronic devices such as a TV or audio equipment.

•  Do not let the product tip over, because this may allow water into the mechanism 

and cause a fault.

•  Do not use for more than 10 hours. Wait 60 minutes before restarting to avoid damaging 

the ultrasound plate.

• Always use cold water. Use only tap water, not mineral or gassy water, etc.

• Never move the appliance whilst it is in use.

• We advise you to wash your hands before and after handling the appliance. 

•  Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Supervise children to make sure they do 

not play with the appliance. 

•  Take the mains adapter away from passageways and the edges of a table or a counter. 

Do not pull the cable.

• If a smell of smoke or burning is detected, immediately disconnect.
Warning : 

The quantity and intensity of the mist may vary. It depends on the humidity, tempera-

ture and air currents. If you attempt to run the appliance without water (pressing the 

MIST button, you will hear a triple bleep). 

Use only 100% natural essential oils. Those containing perfume of chemical origin, 

spices or impurities could damage the appliance by fouling the circuits. Pour in 2 to 3 

drops at most for 100 ml of water. Clean the appliance in accordance with the mainte-

nance instructions.


1.  Place the appliance on a flat and smooth surface 

and remove the cover. 



       Connect the AC adapter to the bottom of the 

appliance, going through the cable guide. 


      Use the graduated container to fill the water tank. 


     Watch the water tank level. Do not exceed the   

“Max” mark appearing on the outside of the tank.

     Do not fill the appliance with water while it is run-

ning. Water and mist might then escape.  

     Pour the essential oil directly into the tank. The 

dosage is approximately 2 to 3 drops (approxi-

mately 0.1 - 0.15 ml) for 100 ml of water.

2.  The cover must be on to use the appliance. 

       Connect the AC adapter to the electrical socket. 

3.  Press the MIST button to operate the appliance. 

The timer is by default set to 60 min. Press MIST 

again to change the duration of operation of 

your appliance (60 minutes, 120 minutes, 180 

minutes, CONTINUOUS / ON and OFF). 


4.  Press MIST for a few seconds to switch off the appliance. This operation is required 

before disconnecting the appliance. 

5.  If the volume of water is insufficient, the device shuts down. 

    If the timer mode is not activated, the LED lighting does not work.

     Press HIGH/LOW to adjust the intensity of the steam (high or low). 


     Press LIGHT to switch on the LED lighting. 6 colours alternate continuously : red, 

yellow, green, blue, purple and white, in weak and strong intensities. Press the LIGHT 

button again to select a colour. 


      If the appliance is not to be used for an extended time, empty the water tank and 

let it dry out.  

Appliance falling or accidental leakage during use :

If the appliance is dropped during its use, follow these recommendations to avoid 

problems :

• Disconnect the appliance and remove the cover.

• Empty all the water from the tank and the appliance carefully.

• Leave the unit to dry for at least 24 hours.







Summary of Contents for humidoo XL VM-H2

Page 1: ...UR D AIR VM H2 Distribu par Distributed by www visiomed lab com Visiomed SAS France Service clients Customers service 8 avenue Kl ber 75116 Paris France Tel 33 8 92 350 334 Fax 33 1 44 17 93 10 contac...

Page 2: ...pas utiliser cet appareil une humidit relative sup rieure 85 6 Cet appareil doit toujours tre plac dans un endroit propre et sec 7 Ne pas exposer cet appareil au soleil ni l eau 8 Ne pas exposer cet...

Page 3: ...tifs qui puri fient l air ambiant et apaisent III CARACT RISTIQUES Capacit 500ml Ultra silencieux Timer 180min 120min 60 min ou en continu Arr t automatique lorsqu il n y a plus d eau Contr le de la v...

Page 4: ...Cela d pend de l humidit de la temp rature et des courants d air Si vous mettez l appareil en marche sans eau appui sur le bouton MIST un triple BIP retentira N employer que des huiles essentielles 10...

Page 5: ...r l humidificateur d air Vous pourriez cr er des gazs toxiques ou causer des dysfonctionnements Ne jamais nettoyer l appareil lorsque celui ci est en marche ou branch au secteur Veillez bien d branche...

Page 6: ...a r serve L eau ne doit jamais d passer la limite des 500ml max Consulter les consignes de NETTOYAGE ET ENTRETIEN Retirer les couvercles puis les remettre correctement afin de permettre la diffu sion...

Page 7: ...e this appliance outdoors 10 Never drop the appliance 11 Follow the maintenance instructions specified in this manual 12 Do not attempt to open the device In case of problems contact your dealer 13 Do...

Page 8: propagation or gentle mist Good autonomy 8 to 10 hours for strong propagation and 10 to 12 hours for a gentle mist Nightlight Function 6 colours blue red green white yellow purple and 2 intensi ti...

Page 9: ...ial oils Those containing perfume of chemical origin spices or impurities could damage the appliance by fouling the circuits Pour in 2 to 3 drops at most for 100 ml of water Clean the appliance in acc...

Page 10: running or connected to the mains Be sure to disconnect the device during cleaning Frequently asked questions What product can be used to clean the air humidifier membrane A Mild detergent without...

Page 11: ...reserve The water should never exceed the limit of 500 ml max Consult the instructions for CLEANING AND MAIN TENANCE Remove the covers and then replace them correctly to allow the propagation of the s...

Page 12: ...mpio y seco 7 No exponga este aparato a la luz solar ni al agua 8 No exponga este aparato a una descarga el ctrica 9 No utilice este aparato en el exterior 10 Evite que se le caiga el aparato 11 Siga...

Page 13: ...AS Capacidad 500ml Ultrasilencioso Temporizador 180min 120 min 60 min o continuo Apagado autom tico cuando se termina el agua Control del vapor difusi n fuerte o bruma fina Gran autonom a de 8 a 10 ho...

Page 14: de la bruma pueden variar Depende de la humedad de la temperatura y de las corrientes de aire Si pone en marcha el aparato sin agua pulse el bot n MIST sonar un triple pitido Utilice solo aceites...

Page 15: ...rovocar gases t xicos o causar malos funcionamientos Nunca limpie el aparato cuando est en marcha o conectado a la corriente No olvide desconectar el aparato durante la limpieza Preguntas frecuentes Q...

Page 16: base est sucio A ada agua suficiente en la reserva El agua nunca debe exceder el l mite de 500 ml m x Consulte las instrucciones de LIMPIEZA Y MANTENIMIENTO Retire las tapas y luego p ngalas de nue...

Page 17: ...20 C 5 Verwenden Sie das Ger t nicht bei einer Luftfeuchtigkeit von mehr als 85 6 Das Ger t muss immer an einem sauberen und trockenen Ort aufgestellt werden 7 Setzen Sie das Ger t weder direktem Sonn...

Page 18: ...e Weise wird die Luft gereinigt und von Schmutzpartikeln gereinigt Eine ausreichende Luftfeuchtigkeit ist von grundlegender Bedeutung f r die Ge sundheit des Babys Der Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Luft im...

Page 19: ...t nicht um dies k nnte Wasser ins Ger teinnere bringen und St rungen verursachen Verwenden Sie das Ger t nicht l nger als 10 Stunden am St ck Warten Sie 60 Mi nuten ehe Sie es wieder anstellen um zu...

Page 20: ...derma en zu pflegen H UFIGKEIT Nach 5 oder 6 Eins tzen oder alle 2 bis 3 Einsatztage 1 Stecken Sie das Ger t aus und nehmen Sie den Deckel ab 2 Leeren Sie den Wasserbeh lter aus 3 Stecken Sie den Netz...

Page 21: ein Kein oder anormaler Nebel Nicht genug Wasser Zu viel Wasser Verstopft Kalk die Leitungen Sind der Deckel und der Innendeckel richtig aufgesetzt Ist die Luftansaug ffnung unter dem Sockel des Ge...

Page 22: ...44 43 NL LUCHTBEVOCHTIGER VM H2...

Page 23: ...eve vochtigheid boven de 85 6 Dit apparaat moet altijd in een schone droge plaats worden geplaatst 7 Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan zonlicht of water 8 Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan elektrische s...

Page 24: ...oor de gezondheid van een baby Het is belangrijk om het vochtgehalte van de babykamer te controleren om een ge zonde atmosfeer en nachtrust van de baby te waarborgen Talrijke studies tonen een verband...

Page 25: ...en Houd de netadapter verwijderd van doorgangen en de randen van een tafel of toon bank Niet aan de kabel trekken Als de geur van rook of brand wordt ontdekt onmiddellijk loskoppelen Waarschuwing De h...

Page 26: ...doek zonder het membraan aan te raken WAARSCHUWING Gebruik geen droge doek om het membraan te drogen dit kan schade veroorzaken Gebruik geen andere zuren enzymen of reinigingsmiddelen om de luchtbevoc...

Page 27: ...water toe aan het reservoir Het water mag nooit hoger zijn dan de limiet van 500 ml max Raadpleeg de REINIG ING EN ONDERHOUD instructies Verwijder de deksels plaats ze correct terug zodat dampverspre...

Page 28: ...utilize este aparelho num local com uma humidade relativa superior a 85 6 Este aparelho deve ser colocado sempre num local apropriado e seco 7 N o exponha este aparelho luz solar direta ou gua 8 N o...

Page 29: ...ara o solo O ar assim limpo e liberto das suas impurezas Uma boa humidifica o essencial para a sa de do beb A taxa de humidade do quarto do beb constitui um elemento importante a vigiar para garantir...

Page 30: ...n o brincam com o aparelho Mantenha a fonte de alimenta o afastada das vias de passagem e das bordas de uma mesa ou um computador N o puxe o cabo Desligue o aparelho imediatamente se sentir um odor de...

Page 31: ...uente 5 Deixe atuar durante 5 minutos e esvazie novamente o reservat rio 6 Seque o reservat rio com um pano seco sem tocar na membrana ATEN O N o seque a membrana com um pano seco visto que isso a pod...

Page 32: ...r encontram se colocadas incorretamente O orif cio de aspira o de ar situado debaixo da base est sujo Adicionar uma quantidade de gua suficiente ao reservat rio A gua nunca deve ultrapassar o limite d...

Page 33: ...lors de l exp dition ou du transport de l appareil caus s par des r parations effectu es par un distributeur par des mo difications apport es par la connexion d quipements non agr s par Visiomed ou c...

Page 34: ...seg n las condiciones que figuran a continuaci n este producto gratuitamente en caso de defecto de piezas o de fabricaci n de la for ma siguiente DURACI N 24 MESES CON DEVOLUCI N ALTALLER L MITES Y E...

Page 35: ...i Visiomed g ltig wobei alle sonstigen Garantien die diese Garantie einschlie en gesch ftliche Garantie unber cksichtigt bleiben WICHTIGER HINWEIS Werden die Reparaturen dieses Produkts w hrend der La...

Page 36: ...epresentantes e agentes n o ser o em nenhum caso responsabilizados por danos diversos e preju zos resultantes da utiliza o do produto ou da incapacidade de utiliza o deste produto Esta garantia a nica...

Page 37: ...nier die de volksgezondheid en het milieu beschermt Voor meer informatie over waar u uw afgedankte apparatuur kunt inleveren voor recycling kunt u contact opnemen met het gemeentehuis in uw woonplaats...

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