- 26 -
Meters per second ^2
Degrees Fahrenheit
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Kelvin
All of the above units assume linear scaling. In order to prop-
erly scale the data, it is necessary to supply the full scale value
(in the selected engineering units) and the mV/V output at the
full scale value.
Chan : 1
Units : psi
Full Scale : 1
F.S. mV/V : 2.000
Dec. Places : Auto
To change the full scale value, use the
keys to se-
lect the desired digit to modify. The digit is changed by using
the and keys. The default full scale value is 1.
The full scale value must be an integral value b99999
and -99999. A full scale value of 0 is not permitted. The default
value is 1.
The F.S. mV/V value must be b15.625 mV/V and -
15.625 mV/V. A value of 0 is not permitted. The default value
is 2.000.
Note that during manual calibration, the full scale value is fixed,
and the full scale mV/V output is changed. It is therefore rec-