Depending on whether the active effect is a reverb or the Delay, Control Change #103
controls the value of the cut-off frequency of a low-pass filter capable of attenuating all
frequencies above the one set (for the reverbs) or the number of repetitions (for the
Delay). The higher the value of the Control Change concerned, the higher the cut-off
frequency (for the reverbs) or the greater the number of repetitions (for the Delay).
9) Vibrato Speed (CC 76): modulation speed of the Vibrato and Chorus effects.
You can use Control Change #76 to regulate the modulation frequency of the Vibrato
and Chorus effects (depending on which is selected, by MIDI by means of exclusive
system). The higher the Control Change value, the greater the modulation speed.
10) Vibrato Depth (CC 77): modulation depth of the Vibrato and Chorus effects.
You can use Control Change #77 to regulate the modulation depth of the Vibrato and
Chorus effects (depending on which is selected, by MIDI by means of exclusive system).
The higher the Control Change value, the greater the modulation depth.
11) Transposition (CC 101): transposition of the instrument (by semitones).
The instrument can be transposed by semitones using Control Change #101. Higher
values of this Control Change raise the tuning, while lower values lower it.
12)Pitch (CC 102): fine transposition of the instrument (by hundredths of a semitone).
The tuning of the instrument can be modified by hundredths of a semitone using Control
Change #102. Higher values of this Control Change raise the tuning, while lower values
lower it.
13)ALL SOUND OFF (CC 120 with value 0): automatic release of the notes which are
When Control Change #120 is sent with value 0 on the MIDI channel assigned to the
section concerned, the instrument will release all the notes which are playing. Any
Dampers enabled will be reset.
14)ALL NOTES OFF (CC 123 with value 0): automatic release of the notes which are
As for Control Change #120, when CC #123 is sent with value 0, the notes in the
section concerned will be released. The only difference is that the All Notes Off