In memory there are 5 different melodies (numbered from 1 to 5) associated to different types of events. Their time dwell is
variable according to the maximum number of tones (25,15,15,12,10 respectively). NOTE: a the present: 1 pink-panter,
2=Chopin, 3=Vivaldi, 4=Elelnco note (List of notes), 5= Happy-Birth.)
We follow with the association between events and melodies (numbers from 1 to 5).
- Reception of a command to be stored: 2 (i.e. melody 2 is carry out/ max. 15 tones).
- Repetition (every minute for the programmed number of times) of a programmed command: 2
- Reception of a command not to be memorized: 2 (stop at the 3rd tone)
- Reception of an external call: 3
- Pressure of Scrolling Menu push-button: 4 (stop at the 3rd note)
- Pressure of Menu push-button signalling the last scrolling: 4
- Pressure of INT/EXT push-button: 4 (stop at the 2nd tone).
- Wake up services: 1
- Sound every quarter of an hour: 5 (stop at the 2nd tone)
- Clock sound (repeated every hour): 5
Mind that the sounds for the command reception are activated by parameter "Abil. Suoni" (Sound enable) (0=mai (never), 1
only for Int mode, 2 = Int and Ext mode).
Pay attention that the audio has not been excluded by pressing R+3 push-buttons (if the audio is not excluded the loud-
speaker icon appears on the right hand side of display; to exclude it press R+3 again).
Pressing R+"
" the request of the melody number, to be listened to, appears on display:
N. SOUND (1-5) ?
1=RING; 2=C_UP; 3=C_DW; 4=KEYB; 5=TIME
Pressing a push-button (from 1 to 5) followed by C the corresponding melody is activated with the request of the tone number
to which it should be limited (the maximum time dwell according to the melody appears at the bottom, on the right hand side
the present number to which is limited). Inserting a number >= to the maximum proposed, no limitation is applied.
The stroke limitation is used to reduce the melody time dwell when it is too long.
There are two possibilities:
1) With proper software through serial interface. The software consists of a musical composer used to compose/copy the
melody, coupled with a software which allows you to download the melody inside the switchboard at the required position
(i.e. it is possible to modify a single melody).
2) Copying all the 5 melodies from another memory 24C02 connected to the strip for IIC. Pressing push-buttons R+INT/EXT
the melody downloading in an external memory is activated (IIC ADDR. 160), pressing R+INTROMISS the programmed
melodies are downloaded from an external memory (only in case it has already been programmed). In these cases a
"wait" message appears, during which the memory interface must not be disconnected (nearly 2-3 seconds).
Numero Targa (Entrance panel number)
: it is the digibus number assigned to the switchboard (to allow a numerical call
toward the same switchboard, for example from another switchboard or from a secondary entrance panel).
Numero digit (Digit number)
: it allows the selection mode to use 4 or 8 digits. Select according to the type of installation.
Chiave blocco Software (Software lock key)
: to lock keypad (see above)
Num.Rip.Chiamate (Call rip. number)
: It is the number of times you want the call sound to be repeated (consequent to a
It is going to be repeated every minute for the programmed number of times.
Abil.Suoni (Sound enable):
It allows you to decide if and when to activate the melodies. If set to 0 the melodies are exclu-
ded, if set to 1 the sounds are produced only at reception of commands if set to INTERNAL mode (I on the right hand side,
i.e. when the operator is present). If set to 2 the melodies are produced either in INT mode either in Ext mode (by night). If
set in Ext mode the melody is never repeated more than once.
Set Stampante (between the reserved parameters)
: Particular parameter which allows you to select some printing