The relay activates when a call is sent to a device present in the system, which then accepts the call.
The relay can be deactivated differently according to the status of the “Int.Call” flag:
- If the “Int. Call" Flag = NO: the relay deactivates on completion of the chime cycles set on the electronic unit (if an external call), when the call is answered or at the end of the call.
- If the “Int. Call" Flag = YES: the relay deactivates only at the end of the call.
The devices that send the call and those that receive the call can be configured via the “Enabling map”. By default all devices are enabled.
: The ID identification numbers reserved for the relays connected to the HORIZONTAL BUS are from number 2951 to 3000. It is still possible to assign different ID identification numbers
(from 1 to 40000). In this case, however, unwanted activations may occur. If a relay on the HORIZONTAL BUS is assigned for example ID 1 and on the VERTICAL BUSES ID 1 has been assigned,
when activating an activation command for the relay with ID 1 on the vertical BUS, the relay on the HORIZONTAL BUS may also activate. This activation could instead be desired in cases when
there is a need for simultaneous activation.
In this mode, you can repeat the call of an electronic unit connected over the Horizontal Bus, remapping the relay with an indoor station ID.
This operating mode is used to control roller blinds, shutters, awnings, etc. In this mode the two relays RL1 and RL2 are interlocked to avoid simultaneous activation of the two relays. When relay
RL1 activation button is pressed, it switches with a delay time T1, then maintains this position for a time T2 or until the same activation button is pressed again. When in an activated state, the
relay is also deactivated by pressing the control button of the other relay. If the two relays control the two directions of rotation of a motor (e.g. the reduction gear of a roller shutter), it is advisable
to maintain a minimum relay activation delay time (default = 1s) so that the motor passes through a stationary state when reversing its direction of rotation.
In "Horizontal Bus" mode it is possible to enable or disable indoor stations, electronic units, auxiliary units and switchboards, subject to an operating window where the start and end ID numbers
are to be entered. From the INTERNAL, ENTRANCE PANEL, AUXILIARY, SWITCHBOARD submenus, there are 3 windows (WIN #1, WIN #2, WIN # 3) where for each one you can enter the
initial and final ID so as to configure the "operating window". Confirm with OK.
: The end number must not be any less than the start number.
To have all the numbers enabled, simply enter number 1 in the first enable and the maximum number in the second enable of WIN# 1.
The ID identification codes that can be assigned to a relay in operating mode over "extended" Elvox DueFili Bus range from ID 2951 to ID 3000.
It is in any case possible to assign a relay with IDs from 1 to 3000. In this case, however, if there are relays with ID 1 to 8 in the VERTICAL BUSES there may be simultaneous activation of the
relays with the same ID.
Relay activation takes place via the buttons on the indoor stations (see product instructions).
If, on the contrary, it is necessary to repeat the call from an electronic unit connected on the Horizontal Bus, you need to assign the ID of the indoor station to which the call must be repeated.
Example: when an electronic unit sends code ID = 601 (corresponding to indoor station 1 referred to router ID = 4), you want relay 69PH to activate a function. In this case we will use the call
repeater function and the identifier to be assigned to the relay will be ID = 601.
15) Call progression
Set it for relay 1. Configuration of relay 2 should be kept by default because its operation depends closely on relay 1.
Call Progression mode envisages the following behaviour of relays 1 and 2.
Relay 1 of 69PH is closed the moment a call from an associated outdoor station is recognised (and directed at any indoor station, switchboard, etc.).
Relay 1 of 69PH is opened the moment an associated outdoor station exits the call in progress state (in other words it enters the in call or standby state).
Relay 2 of 69PH is closed the moment an associated outdoor station exits the call in progress state.
Relay 2 of 69PH is opened the moment an associated outdoor station exits the call in progress, or the standby state.
Self-start is managed as the call in progress state (without transition via call state) and the behaviour of the 69PH relays will be consistent with this.