RGB LEDs and pushbuttons - Device configuration
4. RGB LEDs and pushbuttons
4.1 RGB LEDs
The device is equipped with 6 RGB LEDs (the colours of the LEDs are configured via a signal on input 7 or via the local programming procedure) and the symbols dis-
played on the cover plate 21663 can be customised using the specific labels.
4.2 Pushbuttons
When the cover plate is not fitted, the 21125 electronic control unit presents six physical pushbuttons (shown in blue) and two configuration pushbuttons (shown in red).
Once the cover plate has been fitted to the control, the 6 touchscreen buttons (shown in blue) can be used independently of each other.
5. Device configuration
Caution: all the procedures described below musty be carried out using the physical pushbuttons, and therefore without the cover plate fitted to the device.
5.1 Setting the colours of the LEDs
The colours of the LEDs can be configured in two different ways:
- via signal on input 7;
- via local programming procedure.