Samsung Internet Browser:
This works well also, providing "Print" directly in options menu on page.
Opera seems to be a popular browser on Android as well, but unfortunately it does not seem to
provide any print option, why this wouldn't be applicable with TigerBox.
Configurations for Wireless Printing
As mentioned within preface of this document, there are two operating modes for TigerBox: Wi-Fi Direct
mode, and Wi-Fi Network Client mode. Wi-Fi Direct mode is running by default after initial hardware setup
of TigerBox.
Connecting to TigerBox in Wi-Fi Direct mode and accessing user interface
TigerBox is hosting direct Wi-Fi named "TigerBox" by factory default. As long as TigerBox is configured to
Wi-Fi Direct mode, you will need to connect your mobile device, or PC, to this Wi-Fi in order to print to
the embosser connected to TigerBox, or to access user settings and configurations for wireless printing.
User screens of different devices may vary from screen shots below, but in general these are the steps to
follow to connect to TigerBox Wi-Fi and access network configuration settings.
Open settings on your mobile device and select Wi-Fi. A list of known networks should appear.
Select "TigerBox" network and connect.
Screenshots of connecting to TigerBox Wi-Fi
Your device will notice that TigerBox has no internet access and might try to disconnect and
connect to a different Wi-Fi network instead, because the known network with internet access is