A Hunter Industries Company
Checking Voltage at Outlet
Checking Voltage at Transformer Lugs
Checking Voltage at Fixture Splice
2. LX - Checking Voltage Using Voltmeter
Using a digital voltmeter allows you to take important voltage readings at the transformer, at
each fixture and at the receptacle the transformer will be plugged into. Dial the digital
voltmeter to the 200 ~ setting for measuring AC voltage.
Each lug should read no more than +/
– 0.3 to 0.9 volts of rated
output. Both the LX-150 and LX-300 models have a 12V, 13V,
and 14V lug inside the controller. The FX MultiTap Transformer
allows you the opportunity to utilize the voltage tap that will
provide each circuit with the proper voltage. For cable runs in the
“distant zone” you would typically select the 13 or 14 volt tap. For
cable runs in the “close zone,” you would typically install the cable
run into the 12 volt tap depending upon the wattage load and
size of cable.
This tool tells you whether or not the 120 volt receptacle you
are plugging the FX Transformer into is wired properly. Follow
the tool manufacturers instruction manual to assure proper wiring
on the receptacle you will be using.
This procedure should only be performed by a licensed
Insert voltmeter probes into each wire connector (Optimum
reading between 10.5 and 11.5 VAC for incandescant fixtures
and 10-15 VAC for LED fixtures).