lower right–side of the home screen to immediately be directed to our Technical
Support website. For Technical Support by Phone, please call 855-998-4326,
Monday to Saturday 10:00 AM to 7:00PM.
Step 6 – Set-up your Wi-Fi
A list of wireless networks your tablet is receiving will appear on
the screen.
Select the name of your WI-FI wireless network from the list by
tapping it.
If your wireless network is password protected, you will need to
enter a password and a dialog box will appear for you to enter
your password.
Tap the password line to make the tablet keyboard appear.
Check the “Show Password” box if you want to view your
password instead of seeing, ******
Passwords are case-sensitive and must be typed exactly
as they were created.
After you type your password, tap the “Connect” icon
Wait for the network to connect as this may take 15-20
seconds. You will know the connection is good when a
blue check mark appears next to the name of your
wireless network and it displays “Connected” under your
network name.
If you are having problems connecting to your Wi-Fi
network, contact our Customer Support Team.
After your network is successfully connected, tap the “NEXT”
Step 7- Sign in
Type in your Gmail address and your password
Tap the “NEXT” icon
Note: a dialog box will appear asking you to agree to the
Google User License Agreement (ULA).
Tap “Yes” to agree
Tap “Cancel” to not agree and you will not be able
to access the Google email system, or other
related Google Apps.
Step 8 – Entertainment
You can quickly, easily, and securely purchase items from the Google
Play store by safely storing your credit card information with 128-bit
encryption in the Google Wallet System.
Tap the “Setup Credit Card” icon to securely & safely enter your
credit card information.