2. By physically connecting or disconnecting a load or a charge source from the battery, using for example a large contactor.
Load or
The BMS sends an on/off signal to a load or charger
Load or
The BMS connects or disconnects from a load or charger
The available BMS types for the lithium battery either rely on one or both of these technologies. The BMS types and their
functionality are briefly described in this chapter. For the full BMS information see the BMS product information page.
The smallBMS
The smallBMS is equipped with a “load disconnect”, a “charge disconnect” and a pre-alarm contact.
• In the event of low cell voltage, the smallBMS will send a “load disconnect” signal to turn the load(s) off.
• Prior to turning the load off, it will send a pre-alarm signal indicating imminent low cell voltage.
• In the event of high cell voltage or low or high cell temperature, the smallBMS will send a “charge disconnect” signal to turn the
charger(s) off.
Lithium Battery Manual
Page 6
System design