Text 1: Text or Image options or turn the option Off.
Select Text and enter the text content in the content box, which allows up
to 40 characters (a~z, A~Z and 0~9). Also set the font size and text coordinates
(where the text will display on the screen).
The camera supports image overlaying on the video, for example
inserting a logo. Click Image to set the image overlay information. Click the
Browse button, select the image to be uploaded, and then, click Upload. Drag the
slider for transparency to adjust the image transparency. Select “Clean white” to
make a transparent background for the image. Additionally, set the coordinates
for the image for where it will display.
(1) A bitmap image is required.
(2) The maximum size of image is 352×288, with both the width and height
required to be an even number, such as 160×130.
Context 2: Select “On” and enter the text content in the text box, which allows
up to 40 characters (a~z, A~Z and 0~9). Also set the font size and text coordinates.
Context 3: Select “On” and enter the text content in the text box from line 1 to 5,
which allows up to 40 characters (a~z, A~Z and 0~9). Also set the font size and
text coordinates.
Align: Multiple lines of texts can be aligned at the left or right. Set the interval
between two lines that are next to each other; 1 indicates the one-tenth size of a
Note: X/Y Coordinate: Set the coordinates of text. For text 1, Context 2 and
Context 3, the origin of coordinates is the upper left corner of the text display