Vicking electronics
Pag. 6
Optional I/O board
An optional Input/Output board can be mounted on the bottom part of the WORKmate.
The user can easily connect cables to the I/O board with the screw connectors.
In low cost screw connectors the screw presses down directly on the cable, this can give bad connections
and damage the copper wire. The screws connectors in the WORKmate clamp the copper wire between 2
metal plates for a perfect contact.
The board contains an opto-isolated interface for an external proximity reader.
Opto-isolated means that the signal is transmitted with light not through copper wires, this isolates the 2
circuits and prevent a voltage spike on one circuit to damage the other.
This protection means that the external reader can be placed a long distance away from the WORKmate.
A long distance external reader needs a door-lock interface. This interface takes care of the power for a
door-lock, the power for the reader, relays to open the door and connectors to make the wiring easy.
Readers with a cable shorter than
2 meters can be connected directly to the WORKmate, if you don’t need
to control a door-lock.
This board has 2 relays:
Relais 1 with a normal open (NO) and a normal closed (NC) contact.
Relais 2 with only a normal open contact (NO).
They are software compatible with the outputs in the DIO20.
Be careful when switching inductive loads with the relays, when the power to a coil is switched off it will
generate a large voltage spike that can burn out the relays contacts.
This board also has 2 opto-isolated inputs:
The inputs can be used to detect an ‘on’ or ‘off’ state or to count pulses (up to 100 pulses a second)
See the control codes for more info about the possibilities of the counters.
They are software compatible with the inputs in the DIO20.
Both inputs are identical and can be configured with 2 jumpers:
1. One jumper in the middle (VOLTAGE)
The input is completely isolated from the WORKmate and has to be activated with a voltage between
5V to 48V.
2. Two jumpers in the sides (SWITCH)
In this configuration the input is protected but not completely isolated from the WORKmate.
You can connect a voltage free switch to the input.
Do not use this setting and connect an external voltage to the input ,it will result in a short circuit.
The I/O board has a DIN connector to connect the WORKmate II to the concentrator network, to be
compatible with WORKmate36. You also can connect a cable directly to the WORKmate with a screw
connector, if for example your cable comes through a wall.