Please direct all enquiries to your local Viavi sales company.
The addresses can be found at:
The description of additional features of the device can be found at:
This product or parts of this product are based on recommendations and/or
standards from the standardization section of the International Telecommuni-
cation Union – ITU-T and/or the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute – ETSI.
These recommendations and standards are subject to the proprietary rights of
these organizations.
It is not permitted to copy ITU-T recommendations or ETSI standards fully
or in part and/or to pass them on to third parties without prior written
permission from ITU-T and/or ETSI.
©Copyright 2021 Viavi Solutions Inc. All rights reserved.
Viavi and the Viavi logo are trademarks of Viavi Solutions Inc.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.
Viavi Solutions Deutschland GmbH
e 5, D-72800 Eningen u. A.
Order number: BN 2332/91.11
Issue: 2021.04
Previous issue: -.-
Changes may be made to specifications, designations and delivery information.