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You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a “copyright disclaimer” for the program, if necessary. For more 

information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <


The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may 

consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License 
instead of this License. But first, please read <




Version 3, 29 June 2007 

Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented by 

the additional permissions listed below. 

0. Additional Definitions. 

As used herein, “this License” refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License, and the “GNU GPL” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public 

“The Library” refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. 

An “Application” is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. Defining a subclass of a 
class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of using an interface provided by the Library. 

A “Combined Work” is a work produced by combining or linking an Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library with which the Combined 

Work was made is also called the “Linked Version”. 
The “Minimal Corresponding Source” for a Combined Work means the Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code for portions of 

the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. 

The “Corresponding Application Code” for a Combined Work means the object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data and utility 
programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. 

1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. 

You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. 

2. Conveying Modified Versions. 

If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application that uses the facility 
(other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified version: 

a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the function or data, the facility 

still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or 
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License applicable to that copy. 

3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. 

The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object code under terms of 

your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline 

functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: 
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. 

b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document. 

4. Combined Works. 

You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the Library 

contained in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of the following: 
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License. 

b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document. 

c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as well as a 
reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. 

d) Do one of the following:  
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable for, and under terms 

that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the 

manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source. 
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time a copy of the Library already 

present on the user's computer system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked 

e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required to provide such information under section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the 

extent that such information is necessary to install and execute a modified version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the 
Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany the Minimal Corresponding 

Source and Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the 

GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.) 

5. Combined Libraries. 

You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side by side in a single library together with other library facilities that are not 
Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your choice, if you do both of the following: 

a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, conveyed under the terms 

of this License. 
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined 

form of the same work. 

6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. 

The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be 

similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. 
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Lesser General 

Public License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that published version or of any later 

version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General Public 
License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 

If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall apply, that proxy's 
public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the Library. 




Various copyrights apply to this package, listed in various separate parts below.  Please make sure that you read all the parts. 
---- Part 1: CMU/UCD copyright notice: (BSD like) ----- 

       Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University 




  Derivative Work - 1996, 1998-2000 

Copyright 1996, 1998-2000 The Regents of the University of California 






Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above 
copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name 

of CMU and The Regents of the University of California not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific written 


Summary of Contents for MEOLink

Page 1: ...MEOLink Modem User Manual ViaSat Document No 1141780 Rev 002v4 ...

Page 2: ...cation Information Revision Number Date Released Comments 001 1 17 12 Initial Release 002 12 5 12 Updated for SW version 3 x 002vx Unreleased Draft version towards release 003 2012 ViaSat Incorporated All rights reserved ViaSat and the ViaSat logo are registered trademarks of ViaSat Inc MEOLink Modem is a trademark of ViaSat Inc Information in this document is subject to change without notice All ...

Page 3: ...nd configure the MEOLink Modem device TIP The Tip icon identifies suggestions important for performing configuration procedures NOTE The Note icon identifies information important for performing configuration procedures CAUTION The Caution icon identifies procedures or factors that can affect the installation and configuration of the system may damage or render equipment inoperable WARNING The War...

Page 4: ... EEPROM 2 12 2 1 5 Loading Custom Filters 2 15 2 1 5 1 Loading via FTP 2 16 2 1 5 2 Loading via TFTP 2 16 2 1 5 3 Filter File Formats 2 17 2 1 5 4 Configuring Custom Filters 2 17 2 1 6 Restoring Factory Defaults 2 18 3 MEOLink Modem Operations 3 18 3 1 Key Features 3 18 3 1 1 LED 3 18 3 1 2 Ethernet Port Selection 3 18 3 1 2 1 Data Plane Ethernet Ports 3 18 3 1 2 2 Control Plane Ethernet Ports 3 1...

Page 5: ...2 7 Metrics Tab 3 37 3 2 8 Alarms 3 45 3 2 9 Faults 3 46 3 2 10 Events 3 46 3 2 11 Diagnostics Tab 3 48 3 2 12 MEOLink Modem Help 3 60 4 FAQ 4 62 4 1 1 Initial Verification of Modem Operation 4 62 5 Glossary 5 63 6 Agency Approvals 6 66 7 APPENDIX A MEOLINK Modem SNMP MIB 7 67 8 Appendix B MEOLink modem public licenses 8 140 ...

Page 6: ...are Installation Files 2 8 Table 5 Modem Configuration Parameters 3 23 Table 6 ACM Algorithm Configuration Parameters 3 24 Table 7 AUPC Algorithm Configuration Parameters 3 26 Table 8 Sites Configuration Parameters 3 27 Table 9 QoS Configuration Parameters 3 29 Table 10 Interfaces Configuration Parameters 3 30 Table 11 Test Configuration Parameters 3 31 Table 12 Decoder Deframer Metrics Parameters...

Page 7: ... 25 Example of GUI Monitor Function 3 21 Figure 26 Example of GUI Edit Function 3 22 Figure 27 Modem Configuration Screen 3 22 Figure 28 Set Power Transmit Level Okay Message 3 24 Figure 29 ACM Configuration Screen 3 25 Figure 30 AUPC Configuration Screen 3 26 Figure 31 Sites Configuration Screen 3 28 Figure 32 QoS Configuration Screen 3 29 Figure 33 Interfaces Configuration Screen 3 30 Figure 34 ...

Page 8: 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual ...

Page 9: ...en 5Mbps and 800 Mbps with symbol rates from 10 to 180 Msps Modulation waveforms include Q 8 16A 32A PSK Adaptive Coding and Modulation ACM and Advanced Uplink Power Control AUPC features help conserve satellite resources The MEOLink is housed in a 2U high 19 inch rack mount enclosure The modem is used in fixed gateway applications with Doppler rate and unique antenna handover features allowing fo...

Page 10: ...ty o High Doppler Ethernet o 1GigE terrestrial interfaces o GSE encapsulation ACM all modulation codes including 32APSK Including teleport where there is potentially one large outbound and a number of thin inbounds thus there are modems where the modulator is not used AUPC Advanced Uplink Power Control Conserves satellite power through outbound carrier attenuation adjustments based on Es No and li...

Page 11: ...lator B Input SMA 140MHz IF J3 TX MON Modulator Monitor SMA 140MHz IF J4 TX Modulator Output SMA 140MHz IF J5 AUX In Future Use 3 3V logic J6 EXT REF External Reference Clock Input BNC 10MHz J7 Serial Future Use DB 9 EIA 232 J8 DATA PRI A Baseband RJ 45 Ethernet GiGE J9 DATA PRI B Baseband RJ 45 Ethernet GiGE J10 DATA SEC A Baseband RJ 45 Ethernet GiGE J11 DATA SEC B Baseband RJ 45 Ethernet GiGE J...

Page 12: fault N A N A FAULT service affecting fault occurs No service affecting fault N A N A DEM1 Demodulator 1 synced and selected Not in sync Synced and at least one data containing frame has been received for the last second Synced and not selected DEM2 Demodulator 2 synced and selected Not in sync Sync ed and at least one data containing frame has been received for the last second Sync ed and not ...

Page 13: ...eck N A N A PWR Fan 3 Power present to Fan3 No power present to Fan3 N A N A FAULT Fan 3 Fan 3 speed does not match the set speed 20 Fan 3 is present and passes the speed check N A N A 1 1 5 MEOLink Modem Physical Environmental Guidelines Table 3 provides the physical and temperature guidelines for the MEOLink Modem Table 3 Physical and Temperature Guidelines Condition Specification Size EIA Stand...

Page 14: ...1 6 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 3 MEOLink Physical Dimensions inches ...

Page 15: ...ser and the SNMP Manager The TFTP Server allows the modem to boot from files on the server rather than from flash The Web browser allows for control through modem s HTTP GUI interface The SNMP Manager allows for control through the modem s SNMP agent Note not all installations will utilize all three M C components Installations without a TFTP server boot from flash since the MEOLink attempts to fi...

Page 16: ... running on a Linux or Unix based server o3b m n p tar bz2 Modem operation files Where m n p is the version number e g 03 00 05 o3bboot m n p tar bz2 Modem boot up files Where m n p is the version number e g 03 00 05 2 1 1 1 TFTP Server Installation This section describes how to configure the TFTP server to support both booting the modem from a TFTP server and or upgrading the modem via a TFTP ser...

Page 17: ...TP follows a ftp modem ip address b Name o3b c password o3b d ftp pas e ftp bin f ftp put o3b 03 00 05 tar bz2 g ftp put o3bboot 03 00 05 tar bz2 h ftp quit 2 To update the Modem Flash with the newly installed files on the boot server follow the procedure described in 2 1 3 and 2 1 3 1 Section 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 MEOLink Modem Operator Login and Main Menu Use this information to connect to the modem ini...

Page 18: ...icense and Main User Menu 2 1 3 MEOLink Modem Flash Software Update To update the MEOLink Modem Flash with the latest software update place the release files on the TFTP Server or on the modem ramdisk as per the instructions in Section 2 1 1 1 or Section 2 1 1 2 ...

Page 19: ... loaded onto the TFTP Server to Flash by entering z from the User Menu as shown in Figure 7 Figure 7 Software Update via TFTP 2 1 3 2 via FTP From the User Menu commit the files previously loaded onto the modem ramdisk to Flash by entering u from the User Menu as shown in Figure 8 Figure 8 Software Update via FTP ...

Page 20: ...e the hostname ModemName can be up to 15 characters long e g use o3btSN where the SN is the last two digits of the serial number For example o3bt40 When prompted to change enter y to enter the new name NOTE For all the steps that follow the procedure is similar to changing the hostname i e when prompted whether you want to change the value enter y then enter the new value 3 Enter t to change the T...

Page 21: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 2 13 MEOLink User Manual Figure 9 EEPROM Configuration Menu Figure 10 Hostname Update Figure 11 TFTP Server IP Address Change ...

Page 22: ...2 14 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 12 Modem Control Port IP Address Change Figure 13 Modem Netmask Address Change ...

Page 23: ...ustom filters for roll off of the square root raised cosine transmit data shaping may be added to the MEOLink Modem These custom filters are specified in files according to the format detailed in 2 1 5 3 The files must be first downloaded to the MEOLink stored in flash and then configured using the Web or SNMP interface The procedures for ...

Page 24: ...p modem ip address b Name o3b c password o3b d ftp pas e ftp bin f ftp mput customFilter0 g mput customFilter020 txt y h mput customFilter025 txt y i mput customFilter035 txt y j quit 4 Complete the load by logging into the MEOLink modem Operator Main Menu see section 2 1 2 and a From the User Menu enter f to copy custom filter files from the FTP default directory to the internal flash drive see F...

Page 25: ... for the custom filters containing waveform pre distortion coefficients is 16384 lines where each line is a 32 bit value represented in HEX format no leading 0x e g the first 12 lines might look like this FFE50000 FFE50000 FFE50000 FFE50000 FFE50000 FFE60000 FFE60000 FFE60000 FFE60000 FFE60000 FFE70000 FFE70000 Each 32 bit value represents a filter coefficient as a real and imaginary pair The 16 m...

Page 26: ...addressing 3 MEOLINK MODEM OPERATIONS 3 1 Key Features 3 1 1 LED The following are the expected Front Panel LED displays at power up 1 LED are all on at power up 2 Demod1 Demod2 Mod External Ref Test will be off after HOST FPGA is loaded and taken out of reset 3 Three fan fault LED will be off after FAN check passes 4 Alarm and Fault LED will be off when POST passes Standard operation conditions f...

Page 27: ... modem monitor and control data available through the Web Interface 3 2 1 Login To login do the following 1 Open a browser IE8 Google Chrome Opera or Firefox 2 Make sure cookies are enabled 3 Enter the default or your login information The default login is a User operator b Password o3bo3b 3 2 2 Navigation The MEOLink Modem Web Interface is navigated through the use of tabs and tables within the t...

Page 28: ... 21 Switch to Monitor Mode Warning Figure 22 Staying in Edit Mode Message 3 2 4 Refresh The Refresh button reloads dynamic values for fields to which this applies The Diagnostics tab is an example where some fields are dynamic e g clicking the Refresh button under the Ethernet port will normally display incrementally increasing byte counts see 3 2 11 The Auto dropdown menu allows the operator to s...

Page 29: ...wo radio buttons in the middle see Figure 24 allow editing or monitoring fields Figure 24 Edit and Monitor Buttons An operator monitors system items by leaving the Monitor radio button selected fields remain grayed out as in Figure 25 or edits parameters by clicking on the Edit radio button Figure 26 Figure 25 Example of GUI Monitor Function ...

Page 30: ...2 5 2 Modem The Modem Configuration page contains parameters that are often found using a satellite site cut sheet used during antenna installation and modem commissioning These values are rarely changed once the system is optimized and operational Figure 27 Modem Configuration Screen ...

Page 31: ...Level 25 to 5 dBm 0 1 dB steps Set Power See 3 2 5 2 1 Custom Filter File Enable Disable Filter File When enabled uses Custom filter file based on Matched Filter parameter transmit DVB S2 roll off selection Rx Properties Demod Select Select Demod A or Demod B Demod A IF Frequency Demod A Frequency 950000 to 2450000 kHz 0 1 kHz steps LNB Ref Operation Enable Disable low noise block LNB operation bo...

Page 32: ... is cleared at the faded sites the modulation and coding is automatically restored to the original highly efficient modulation and coding point The net effect of this technology is to deliver the highest speed possible in the least amount of bandwidth during the majority of the time and to slightly reduce the speed to the faded sites during degraded conditions Enabling and configuring ACM requires...

Page 33: ...rates at the fully configured transmit power level a setting that presumably contains sufficient margin to provide the desired level of service It is desirable to have the update interval of AUPC much slower than that of ACM so that as power changes the ACM algorithm has an opportunity to run and change ModCods thus enhancing the effect of AUPC to settle into the configured utilization range The A...

Page 34: ... have at least this much SNR margin above the lowest ModCod If so it can safely reduce the power Figure 30 AUPC Configuration Screen Table 7 AUPC Algorithm Configuration Parameters Field Definition Configuration AUPC Properties Attenuation Range Maximum amount that AUPC can reduce the transmit power for its configured value Default is 20 dB range is 0 to 20 dB in 0 01 dB steps Update Interval How ...

Page 35: ...ield Definition Configuration Generic Properties Type Active sites should be set to Remote All others should be set to Not Used Default ModCod Should be set to the most robust ModCod that the terminal can safely demodulate IP Address Site control plane IP address ACM Properties ACM Operation Enables Disables ACM operation Can be enabled for any or all of the 32 sites Report Es No Enable Disable Es...

Page 36: ...3 28 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 31 Sites Configuration Screen ...

Page 37: ... and Class of Service Queue monitoring applies an algorithm to adjust for temporary congestion and or to apply prioritization based on a Class of Service CoS traffic designation The mechanisms used include storing excess traffic in buffers and establishing queues based on the CoS The Traffic Types with their respective CoS designators are listed below Background CoS 1 Lowest Priority Spare CoS 2 B...

Page 38: ... to configure flow control If the queue reaches this value it requests the upstream device to discontinue data to this device QoS Queue Properties Queue 0 Queue 1 etc Total Threshold in bytes 3 2 5 7 Interfaces Data Plane Interface settings determine on which plane to send data The value entered in the VLAN Lo Id field determines on which data plane packets will be sent per the formula below Packe...

Page 39: filename NTP IP Address NTP server IP address Change requires a modem reboot to take effect SNMP Trap Address SNMP Trap inform server IP address SNMP R O Community SNMP read only community name SNMP R W Community SNMP read write community name 3 2 5 8 Test The Test configuration is used to set the desired loopback mode IF Ethernet and Satellite Note the AWGN Noise Level field is for future use ...

Page 40: ...ring information for Ethernet traffic Dashboard Figure 36 overall system status Summary Error Reference source not found transmission status Transmit Figure 38 receive status Receive Figure 39 temperature and FPGA status Board Figure 40 and active logins for the Web interface Web Login Figure 41 Figure 35 Status Dropdown Menu ...

Page 41: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 3 33 MEOLink User Manual Figure 36 Dashboard Status Screen ...

Page 42: ...3 34 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 37 Summary Status Screen Figure 38 Transmit Status Screen ...

Page 43: ...power level but gives the receiver s AGC value in dBs see field AGC Gain The range of the AGC Gain is Max Attenuation 40dB maximum level the input can be received Min Attenuation 10dB minimum level the input can be received Ideally the input level should be adjusted such that the AGC Gain value is at 25dB Figure 39 Receive Status Screen ...

Page 44: ...3 36 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 40 Board Status Screen Figure 41 Web Login Status Screen ...

Page 45: ...modem as shown in Figure 42 The diagnostics tab and metrics tab show similar information The metrics tab shows the information in terms of data flow eg packets per second entering an Ethernet port The diagnostics tab shows the information in terms of counts eg count of packets that have entered an Ethernet port Figure 42 Modem Data Flow ...

Page 46: ...3 38 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 43 Ethernet Port Metrics Screen ...

Page 47: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 3 39 MEOLink User Manual Figure 44 Ingress Egress Buffer Metrics Screen ...

Page 48: ...3 40 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 45 Header Compression Decompression Metrics Screen ...

Page 49: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 3 41 MEOLink User Manual Figure 46 Scheduler Metrics Screen ...

Page 50: ...3 42 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Figure 47 Encapsulation Encoding Modulator Metrics Screen ...

Page 51: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 3 43 MEOLink User Manual Figure 48 Demodulator Metrics Screen ...

Page 52: ...figuration Decoder Deframer Summary Metrics Decoder BB Frame Rate Decoder output BBFrame rate FPS GSE Eth Pkt Rate Generic Stream Encapsulator GSE output Ethernet packet rate PPS GSE Dropped Pkt Rate Generic Stream Encapsulator GSE dropped packet rate PPS Decoder Metrics per MODCOD MODCOD 0 0 1 2 etc Performance and error rates per waveform ID MODCOD ...

Page 53: ...vx 3 45 MEOLink User Manual 3 2 8 Alarms The Alarms Tab provides a chronological and sequential listing of all alarms After a hundred alarms have been logged the list refreshes and starts at 1 Figure 50 Alarms Screen ...

Page 54: ... MEOLink User Manual 3 2 9 Faults Figure 51 Faults Screen 3 2 10 Events The Events Tab provides a chronological and sequential listing of all events After a hundred events have been logged the list refreshes and starts at 1 ...

Page 55: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 3 47 MEOLink User Manual Figure 52 Handover Events Screen Figure 53 Power Events Screen ...

Page 56: ...iagnostics tab and metrics tab show similar information The metrics tab shows the information in terms of data flow eg packets per second entering an Ethernet port The diagnostics tab shows the information in terms of counts eg count of packets that have entered an Ethernet port Diagnostics not related to data flow have additional information in their respective sections Figure 55 Modem Data Flow ...

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Page 60: ...ount Compressor receive packet count Tx Byte Count Compressor transmit byte count Tx Pkt Count Compressor transmit packet count Decompression Summary Rx Byte Cnt Decompressor receive byte count Rx Pkt Cnt Decompressor receive packet count Rx Drop Byte Cnt Decompressor receive drop byte count Rx Drop Pkt Cnt Decompressor receive drop packet count ...

Page 61: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 3 53 MEOLink User Manual ...

Page 62: ...3 54 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual ...

Page 63: ...r Summary Tx Byte Count Encapsulator transmit byte count Tx Frame Count Encapsulator transmit frame count Stuff Byte Count Encapsulator stuff byte count Radial Es No is an indicator of received Es No Equalization Err is for factory support reference and should be ignored by the operator ...

Page 64: ...A equalization error Demod B Summary PL Sync State DemodB PL sync state Radial Es No DemodB radial Es No dB Equalization Err DemodB equalization error The equalization filter diagnostic shows the complex coefficients that are currently being used by the adaptive equalizer for each demodulator These coefficients are for factory support reference and should be ignored by the operator ...

Page 65: ...1141780 Rev 002vx 3 57 MEOLink User Manual The constellation shows a snapshot of the modulated constellation in each of the demodulators ...

Page 66: ...3 58 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual Field Definition Configuration Decoder Deframer Summary Diagnostics Decoder Byte Count Decoder Byte Count ...

Page 67: ...OLink User Manual Field Definition Configuration Decoder Frame Count Decoder Frame Count GSE Fr Drop Count GSE Frame Drop Count The HTF driver diagnostics are for factory support reference and should be ignored by the operator ...

Page 68: ...3 60 1141780 Rev 002vx MEOLink User Manual 3 2 12 MEOLink Modem Help ...

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Page 70: ...Es No dB b If the demod is not synched it will show 100 otherwise correct operation should display 3 to 36 dB c Go to the receive layer and check the active demod s Es No value d Check that L Band PLL is locked e Check that A D Power is 30 4 Check the Alarms and Faults tabs for any messages 5 Check Diagnostics on demod to see that dummy and sync fields are incrementing 6 Check Metrics to see that ...

Page 71: ...trol AWG American Wire Gauge BERT Bit Error Rate Test Blk Black BPS Bits Per Second BS Block Size CD Carrier Detect CDR Carrier Detect Return CDRL Contract Data Requirements List CHK Check CMD Command COM1 Common Contact 1 COM2 Common Contact 2 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check DB Sub miniature D connector dBC Decibels relative to carrier dBm Decibels relative to 1 milliwatt DCE Data Communications Equi...

Page 72: ...e Frequency IP Internet Protocol I O Input Output kbps Kilobit Per Second kHz Kilohertz LAN Local Area Network LL Local Loopback LSB Least Significant Bit Mbps Megabits Per Second MCPC Multiple Channel Per Carrier MIB Management Information Base MHz Megahertz MSG Most Significant Bit Msps MegaSymbols Per Second NA Not Applicable OP Operate Status QoS Quality of Service QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift ...

Page 73: ...Signal Ground SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SOW Statement of Work SPS Symbols Per Second Std Standard TBD To Be Determined TBR To Be Revised TCP Transport Control Protocol TDM Time Division Multiplexed TIA Telecommunications Industry Association TM Test Mode TTL Transistor Transistor Logic TX Transmit UDP User Datagram Protocol VDC and Vdc Volts Direct Current W Watts Write Wht White ...

Page 74: ...nce with applicable specifications under the EMC Directive Washington Laboratories Ltd found that the ViaSat Inc MD MEOLink Modem complied with EMC requirements of EN55022 EN61000 3 2 EN61000 3 3 and EN55024 for a Class A Device The MEOLink Modem has consequently been approved with the CE mark Reports VST12161_EN55024 and VST12162 01 Rev 0 EN60950 are available by request from ViaSat customer serv...


Page 76: ...ased on the mm1ConfigQueryType setting Status Metrics Diagnostics variables Data is read from the monitor buffer SNMP set operations All config set operations modify variables in the edit buffer The mm1ReadConfig and mm1InitEditBuffer commands should first be issued to pre populate the edit buffer with the modem s current configuration settings The configuration variables desired to be modified sh...

Page 77: ...T d 1 STATUS current DESCRIPTION A frequency in units of 0 1 kHz When used with DISPLAY HINT the value will display the frequency in kHz with a resolution of 0 1 kHz E g 1234567 will be displayed as 123456 7 kHz for UNITS of kHz SYNTAX INTEGER mm1MilliSecond TEXTUAL CONVENTION DISPLAY HINT d 3 STATUS current DESCRIPTION A time period in units of 0 001 seconds When used with DISPLAY HINT the value ...

Page 78: ...psk45 21 16apsk56 22 16apsk89 23 16apsk910 24 32apsk34 25 32apsk45 26 32apsk56 27 32apsk89 28 32apsk910 29 sync 30 mm1ModemQosQueue TEXTUAL CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION Qos Queue IDs SYNTAX INTEGER qosQueue1 1 qosQueue2 2 qosQueue3 3 qosQueue4 4 qosQueue5 5 qosQueue6 6 qosQueue7 7 qosQueue8 8 mm1ModemWebUser TEXTUAL CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION Web user IDs SYNTAX INTEGER user1 1...

Page 79: ... IDENTIFIER mm1Config 8 mm1SiteConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Config 9 mm1WebAdminConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Config 10 mm1ConfigQueryType OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER monitorValues 0 editValues 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Modem mode Rx only Tx only Teleport Rx only Normal Full duplex mm1Config 11 MM1 Modem Status Group mm1GeneralStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Status 1 mm1DashboardS...

Page 80: ...BJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Diagnostics 5 mm1DemodDiagnostics OBJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Diagnostics 6 mm1DecoderDeframerDiagnostics OBJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Diagnostics 7 mm1HtfCoreDriverDiagnostics OBJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Diagnostics 8 mm1HtfNetworkDriverDiagnostics OBJECT IDENTIFIER mm1Diagnostics 9 MM1 Modem Control Object Definitions mm1CommitConfig OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER execute 1 MAX ACCESS write only STATU...

Page 81: ...vl OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthdB 2500 500 UNITS dBm MAX ACCESS write only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Commit transmit power level 25 to 5 dBm 0 1 dB step mm1Control 8 mm1InitiateHandover OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER demodA 0 demodB 1 MAX ACCESS write only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Initiate satellite handover to the specified handover demod ID mm1Control 9 mm1DemodADopPreCorr OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX I...

Page 82: ...ection External ref will be used if selected and detected and value is in range freqRefStatus indicates ref in use mm1GeneralConfig 2 mm1LocalSiteId OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER 0 31 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Local Site Id mm1GeneralConfig 3 mm1EthHdrCprOp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER off 0 on 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Ethernet header compression operati...

Page 83: ...US current DESCRIPTION Control plane IP subnet mask mm1CtrlInterfaceConfig 2 mm1CtrlIpGwy OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Control plane IP gateway address mm1CtrlInterfaceConfig 3 mm1CtrlBondOp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER off 0 on 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Control plane Ethernet interface bonding operational state mm1CtrlInterfa...

Page 84: ...ead write STATUS current DESCRIPTION SNMP Trap inform server IP address mm1CtrlInterfaceConfig 10 mm1SnmpROCommName OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING SIZE 1 20 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION SNMP read only community name mm1CtrlInterfaceConfig 11 mm1SnmpRWCommName OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING SIZE 1 20 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION SNMP read write community na...

Page 85: ... 0 20 mm1TransmitConfig 5 mm1TxCustomFilterFileOp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER off 0 on 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Transmit custom filter file operation When on uses custom filter file based on transmit DVB S2 roll off selection mm1TransmitConfig 6 mm1TxBucRefOp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER off 0 on 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Transmit block upconverter B...

Page 86: ...ds mm1ReceiveConfig 5 mm1RxLNBDcPwrOp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER off 0 on 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Receive low noise block downconverter LNB DC power enable applies to both demods mm1ReceiveConfig 6 mm1RxHandoverTimeLimit OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1MilliSecond 0 60000 UNITS sec MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Set the satellite handover time limit After handove...

Page 87: ...current DESCRIPTION A configuration table containing the queue sizes for each of the eight QoS queues The combined total size of all eight queues shall not exceed 32 MBytes mm1QosConfig 5 mm1QosQueueSizeEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1QoSQueueSizeEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing QoS queue configuration parameters INDEX mm1QosQueueIndex mm1QosQueueSizeTable...

Page 88: ...ite STATUS current DESCRIPTION ACM ModCod mask The 28 ModCod bit mask settings are OR d together to form one mask value The individual MODCOD bit mask settings are as follows modCodMask1 1 modCodMask2 2 modCodMask3 4 modCodMask4 8 modCodMask5 16 The mask setting for any undesired MODCOD is 0 mm1AcmConfig 3 mm1AupcUpdateInterval OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1MilliSecond 500 60000 UNITS sec MAX ACCESS read ...

Page 89: ...ead write STATUS current DESCRIPTION AUPC increases power decreases attenuation this much when algorithm calls for a slow increase in power default 0 5 dB mm1AupcConfig 6 mm1AupcDownIncrement OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthdB 10 200 UNITS dB MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION AUPC decreases power increases attenuation this much when algorithm calls for a decrease in power default 0 2...

Page 90: ...CESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Reserved for future use AWGN noise level for test purposes Requires testCommandOp to be on mm1TestConfig 6 mm1TestPattern OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER none 0 cw 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Reserved for future use Test pattern for test purposes Requires testCommandOp to be on mm1TestConfig 7 Modem Site Configuration Table mm1SiteTable ...

Page 91: DESCRIPTION The Site Type remote or not used mm1SiteEntry 2 mm1SiteCtrlIpAddr OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The Site control plane IP address For the local site the IP address should be set to 127 0 0 1 The value is overridden by the mm1CtrlInterfaceConfig control plane IP Address mm1SiteEntry 3 mm1SiteAcmOp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER off 0 on 1...

Page 92: ... 8 mm1SiteAupcOp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER off 0 on 1 MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Site participates in Automatic Uplink Power Control AUPC process ignored if Es No reports are off mm1SiteEntry 9 mm1SiteAupcEsNoMargin OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthdB 25 200 UNITS dBm MAX ACCESS read write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Es No Margin 0 25 4 0 dB 0 50 default AUPC algorithm adds thi...

Page 93: ...mm1WebUserIndex mm1WebAdminTable 1 Mm1WebAdminEntry SEQUENCE mm1WebUserIndex mm1ModemWebUser mm1WebUserUpdateOp INTEGER mm1WebUserAccountState INTEGER mm1WebUserName OCTET STRING mm1WebPassword OCTET STRING mm1WebPasswordConfirm OCTET STRING mm1WebUserIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1ModemWebUser MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Web interface login user index mm1WebAdminEntry 1 mm1W...

Page 94: ...nfirmation Must match corresponding mm1WebPassword Get returns four characters mm1WebAdminEntry 6 mm1MdmSerialNumber OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING SIZE 1 40 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Modem serial number and revision SN Ver mm1GeneralStatus 1 mm1PlSwVersion OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING SIZE 1 80 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Software and programmable log...

Page 95: ...y 8 lvdsPty 9 plAlm 10 genDiag 11 activeDataLinkADown 12 activeDataLinkBDown 13 fanFailed 14 noConfigFile 15 mm1GeneralStatus 6 mm1CbitStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER fail 0 pass 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Modem continuous built in test CBIT status mm1GeneralStatus 7 mm1CpuUtilization OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER 0 100 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION CPU perc...

Page 96: ...BJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS PPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Outbound Ethernet dropped packet rate PPS mm1OutboundTrafficStatus 3 mm1OutboundEthHdrComprPct OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthPct UNITS Percent MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Outbound Ethernet header compression ratio pct mm1OutboundTrafficStatus 4 mm1OutboundSatelliteBitRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gau...

Page 97: ...tRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS PPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Inbound Ethernet dropped packet rate PPS mm1InboundTrafficStatus 3 mm1InboundEthHdrComprPct OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthPct UNITS Percent MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Inbound Ethernet header compression ratio pct mm1InboundTrafficStatus 4 mm1InboundSatelliteBitRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Ga...

Page 98: ...utboundSiteTrafficEthBitRate Gauge32 mm1OutboundSiteTrafficEthPacketRate Gauge32 mm1OutboundSiteTrafficEthDroppedPacketRate Gauge32 mm1OutboundSiteTrafficAcmStatus INTEGER mm1OutboundSiteTrafficSatelliteBitRate Gauge32 mm1OutboundSiteTrafficEsNo mm1HundredthdB mm1OutboundSiteTrafficAcmModCod mm1ModemModCod mm1OutboundSiteTrafficIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1ModemSite MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS...

Page 99: ...bit rate kbps for the corresponding site ID mm1OutboundSiteTrafficStatusEntry 6 mm1OutboundSiteTrafficEsNo OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthdB UNITS dB MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Measured average Es No dB at the corresponding site ID mm1OutboundSiteTrafficStatusEntry 7 mm1OutboundSiteTrafficAcmModCod OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1ModemModCod MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTI...

Page 100: ...Status 5 mm1TxLbandPllLock OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ool 0 locked 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Transmit L Band PLL Lock Status mm1TxAnalogCtrlStatus 1 mm1TxDacFifoStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER normal 0 alarm 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Transmit DAC FIFO status mm1TxAnalogCtrlStatus 2 mm1TxDacFifoLevel OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthPct UNITS Percent ...

Page 101: ...AX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Analog to Digital converter power dB mm1RxAnalogCtrlStatus 2 mm1RxAdcClippingStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER noClipping 0 clipping 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Analog to Digital converter clipping status mm1RxAnalogCtrlStatus 3 mm1ActiveDemod OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER demodA 0 demodB 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRI...

Page 102: ...MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION A table containing Demodulator status information per demodulator mm1DemodStatus 1 mm1DemodStatusEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1DemodStatusEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing demodulator status for a demodulator INDEX mm1DemodStatusIndex mm1DemodStatusTable 1 Mm1DemodStatusEntry SEQUENCE mm1DemodStatusInde...

Page 103: ...NTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Demodulator loss of lock count mm1DemodStatusEntry 4 mm1DemodDecoderEnableBitStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER disabled 0 enabled 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Demodulator decoder enable bit status mm1DemodStatusEntry 5 mm1DemodAgcGain OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthdB UNITS dB MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DE...

Page 104: ...R MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Demodulator AM to AM distortion mm1DemodStatusEntry 11 mm1DemodDopplerPreCorrection OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS HZ MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Demodulator Doppler Pre Correction mm1DemodStatusEntry 12 mm1BbDeframerRrcRolloff OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER rolloff035 0 rolloff025 1 rolloff020 2 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS c...

Page 105: ...IPTION Fan speed in rpm for the corresponding mm1FanStatusIndex mm1FanStatusEntry 2 mm1FanEjectorStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER present 0 ejected 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Fan ejector status for the corresponding mm1FanStatusIndex mm1FanStatusEntry 3 Board Temperature Status Table mm1BoardTempStatusTable OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mm1BoardTempStatusEntry MAX ACCESS n...

Page 106: ...pStatusEntry 2 FPGA Clock Status Table mm1FpgaClockStatusTable OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mm1FpgaClockStatusEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION A table containing FPGA clock status information for each FPGA mm1FpgaStatus 1 mm1FpgaClockStatusEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1FpgaClockStatusEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing FPGA clock...

Page 107: ...e STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing FPGA LVDS status for a specific FPGA INDEX mm1FpgaLvdsRxStatusIndex mm1FpgaLvdsRxStatusTable 1 Mm1FpgaLvdsRxStatusEntry SEQUENCE mm1FpgaLvdsRxStatusIndex INTEGER mm1FpgaLvdsRxParityErrorCnt Counter32 mm1FpgaLvdsRxAlignmentStatus INTEGER mm1FpgaLvdsRxStatusIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER host 1 tx1 2 tx2 3 rx1a 4 rx1b 5 rx2 6 MAX ACCESS not accessib...

Page 108: ...pgaPLAlarmStatusIndex mm1FpgaPLAlarmStatusTable 1 Mm1FpgaPLAlarmStatusEntry SEQUENCE mm1FpgaPLAlarmStatusIndex INTEGER mm1FpgaPLAlarmStatus INTEGER mm1FpgaPLAlarmCode INTEGER mm1FpgaPLAlarmStatusIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER frameFwdr 1 bbFramer 2 encoder 3 modulator 4 demodA 5 demodB 6 satHandDecoder 7 decoderCtrl 8 bbDeframer 9 txAnalogCtrl 10 rxAnalogCtrl 11 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS ...

Page 109: ...QUENCE mm1FpgaRldramStatusIndex INTEGER mm1FpgaRldramInitStatus INTEGER mm1FpgaRldramStatusIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER tx1 1 rx1b 2 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION FPGA RLDRAM status index mm1FpgaRldramStatusEntry 1 mm1FpgaRldramInitStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ready 0 error 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION RLDRAM status for the corresponding mm1Fpga...

Page 110: ...StatusEntry 1 mm1FpgaTransferRamStatus OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER normal 0 alarm 1 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION FPGA Tranfer RAM status for the corresponding mm1FpgaTransferRamStatusIndex mm1FpgaTransferRamStatusEntry 2 Ethernet Link Status Table mm1EthLinkStatusTable OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mm1EthLinkStatusEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION A tabl...

Page 111: ...tatusLinkIndex mm1EthLinkStatusEntry 3 Web Interface User Login Status Table mm1WebUserLoginStatusTable OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mm1WebUserLoginEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION A status table containing the web user login status for the corresponding user ID index The table contains a maximum of 20 entries mm1WebLoginStatus 1 mm1WebUserLoginEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX ...

Page 112: ...ortMetricsEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1EthPortMetricsEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing Ethernet port metrics for a data plane Ethernet port INDEX mm1EthPortMetricsIndex mm1EthPortMetricsTable 1 Mm1EthPortMetricsEntry SEQUENCE mm1EthPortMetricsIndex INTEGER mm1EthPortStatus INTEGER mm1EthInBitRate Gauge32 mm1EthInPacketRate Gauge32 mm1EthInPacketErrorRate...

Page 113: ... DESCRIPTION Ethernet port in packet error rate PPS mm1EthPortMetricsEntry 5 mm1EthOutBitRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS kbps MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Ethernet port out bit rate kbps mm1EthPortMetricsEntry 6 mm1EthOutPacketRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS PPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Ethernet port out packet rate PPS mm1EthPortMetricsEntry 7...

Page 114: ... 1 ingressB 2 egressA 3 egressB 4 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Local modem ingress egress buffer metrics index mm1LocalIngEgrBufferMetricsEntry 1 mm1BufferInBitRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS kbps MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Local modem ingress egress buffer input bit rate kbps mm1LocalIngEgrBufferMetricsEntry 2 mm1BufferInPacketRate OBJECT TYPE SY...

Page 115: ...gressBufferMetricsEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION A table containing remote site modem ingress buffer metrics information per site ID mm1IngressEgressBufferMetrics 2 mm1RemoteIngressBufferMetricsEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1RemoteIngressBufferMetricsEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing remote site modem ingress buffer metrics for ...

Page 116: ...tricsEntry 4 mm1IngressBPacketRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS PPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Remote site ingress buffer B packet rate PPS mm1RemoteIngressBufferMetricsEntry 5 Header Compression Decompression Metrics Table mm1HeaderComprDecomprMetricsTable OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mm1HeaderComprDecomprMetricsEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION...

Page 117: ...he first 256 values 0 255 are the header ID the 257th and 258th values represent total and uncompressed statistics respectively mm1HeaderComprDecomprMetricsEntry 2 mm1HeaderByteContents OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING SIZE 50 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Ethernet header byte contents comprised of destination and source MAC addressses 802 1q header and Ethernet type mm1HeaderComp...

Page 118: ...SchedulerMetricsQosIndex mm1ModemQosQueue mm1SchedulerQosMetricsPriority INTEGER mm1SchedulerQosMetricsTrafficType mm1ModemTrafficType mm1QosForwardedEthBitRate Gauge32 mm1QosForwardedEthPacketRate Gauge32 mm1QosDroppedEthBitRate Gauge32 mm1QosDroppedEthPacketRate Gauge32 mm1SchedulerMetricsQosIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1ModemQosQueue MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Scheduler ...

Page 119: ...CT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS kbps MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION QoS dropped Ethernet bit rate kbps mm1SchedulerQosMetricsEntry 6 mm1QosDroppedEthPacketRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS PPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION QoS dropped Ethernet packet rate PPS mm1SchedulerQosMetricsEntry 7 Waveform Encapsulator Encoder Modulator Metrics Table mm1WfEncapEncodeModM...

Page 120: ...e mm1WfEncapEncodeModMetricsEntry 1 mm1WfEncapEncodeModulatorModCodId OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1ModemModCod MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION ModCod ID for each table entry mm1WfEncapEncodeModMetricsEntry 2 mm1WfEncapEncodeModTotalBBFrameRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS FPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Encapsulator encoder modulator total BBFrame rate FPS mm1WfEnc...

Page 121: ...eformIndex mm1ModemWaveform mm1WfDemodulatorModCodId mm1ModemModCod mm1WfDemodHandoverOutputBBFrameRate Gauge32 mm1WfDemodAOutputBBFrameRate Gauge32 mm1WfDemodAEsNoDroppedBBFrameRate Gauge32 mm1WfDemodAFreqOffsetDroppedBBFrameRate Gauge32 mm1WfDemodAOtherDroppedBBFrameRate Gauge32 mm1WfDemodBOutputBBFrameRate Gauge32 mm1WfDemodBEsNoDroppedBBFrameRate Gauge32 mm1WfDemodBFreqOffsetDroppedBBFrameRate...

Page 122: ...ECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS FPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodA Dropped BBFrame rate FPS due to frequency offset mm1WfDemodMetricsEntry 6 mm1WfDemodAOtherDroppedBBFrameRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS FPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodA Dropped BBFrame rate FPS due to other mm1WfDemodMetricsEntry 7 mm1WfDemodBOutputBBFrameRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX...

Page 123: ...rics 1 mm1GseOutputEthernetPacketRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS PPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Generic Stream Encapsulator GSE output Ethernet packet rate PPS mm1DecoderDeframerMetrics 2 mm1GseDroppedPacketRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS PPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Generic Stream Encapsulator GSE dropped packet rate PPS mm1DecoderDeframerMe...

Page 124: ... maximum size for this table mm1WfDecoderDeframerMetricsEntry 1 mm1WfDecoderDeframerModCodId OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1ModemModCod MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION ModCod ID for each table entry mm1WfDecoderDeframerMetricsEntry 2 mm1WfDecoderOutputBBFrameRate OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS FPS MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Decoder output BBFrame Rate FPS mm1WfDecoder...

Page 125: ...tPortDiagnosticsEntry SEQUENCE mm1EthPortDiagnosticsIndex INTEGER mm1EthRxByteCnt Counter32 mm1EthRxPacketCnt Counter32 mm1EthRxPacketDropCnt Counter32 mm1EthTxByteCnt Counter32 mm1EthTxPacketCnt Counter32 mm1EthPortDiagnosticsIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER primaryA 1 primaryB 2 secondaryA 3 secondaryB 4 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Ethernet port diagnostics index mm1EthP...

Page 126: ... buffer diagnostics information per buffer mm1IngressEgressBufferDiagnostics 1 mm1LocalIngEgrBufferDiagnosticsEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1LocalIngEgrBufferDiagnosticsEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing local modem ingress egress buffer diagnostics for a given buffer INDEX mm1LocalIngEgrBufferDiagnosticsIndex mm1LocalIngEgrBufferDiagnosticsTable 1 Mm1Local...

Page 127: ...AX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Local modem ingress egress buffer transmit byte drop count mm1LocalIngEgrBufferDiagnosticsEntry 5 mm1BufferTxNonVlanPacketCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Local modem ingress egress buffer transmit non VLAN packet count mm1LocalIngEgrBufferDiagnosticsEntry 6 mm1BufferTxNonVlanByteCnt OBJECT...

Page 128: ...ble STATUS current DESCRIPTION Remote site ingress egress buffer diagnostics index Site ID mm1RemoteIngressBufferDiagnosticsEntry 1 mm1IngressABufferTxPacketCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Remote site ingress buffer A transmit packet count mm1RemoteIngressBufferDiagnosticsEntry 2 mm1IngressABufferTxByteCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS rea...

Page 129: ...BJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Compressor transmit packet count mm1HeaderComprDecomprDiagnostics 4 mm1DecomprRxByteCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Decompressor receive byte count mm1HeaderComprDecomprDiagnostics 5 mm1DecomprRxPacketCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCR...

Page 130: ...icsTable 1 Mm1HeaderComprDiagnosticsEntry SEQUENCE mm1HeaderComprDiagnosticsIndex INTEGER mm1HeaderComprDiagnosticsHeaderId INTEGER mm1HeaderComprIdCnt Counter32 mm1HeaderDecomprIdCnt Counter32 mm1HeaderComprDiagnosticsIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER 1 258 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The Ethernet header compression header Id index mm1HeaderComprDiagnosticsEntry 1 mm1Heade...

Page 131: ...sEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing scheduler metrics for a given QoS priority index queue INDEX mm1SchedulerQoSDiagnosticsIndex mm1SchedulerQoSDiagnosticsTable 1 Mm1SchedulerQoSDiagnosticsEntry SEQUENCE mm1SchedulerQoSDiagnosticsIndex mm1ModemQosQueue mm1SchedulerQoSDiagnosticsPriority INTEGER mm1SchedulerTrafficType mm1ModemTrafficType mm1SchedulerQoSB...

Page 132: ...1SchedulerQoSPacketCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Scheduler QoS packet count mm1SchedulerQoSDiagnosticsEntry 5 mm1SchedulerQoSDropByteCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Scheduler QoS drop byte count mm1SchedulerQoSDiagnosticsEntry 6 mm1SchedulerQoSDropPacketCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS re...

Page 133: ...PTION Remote site scheduler diagnostics index Site ID mm1SchedulerSiteDiagnosticsEntry 1 mm1SchedulerSiteByteCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Remote site scheduler byte count mm1SchedulerSiteDiagnosticsEntry 2 mm1SchedulerSitePacketCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Remote site scheduler packet count mm1S...

Page 134: ...IPTION A table containing encapsulator encoder modulator diagnostics information per Waveform ID mm1EncapEncodeModDiagnostics 4 mm1WfEncapEncodeModDiagnosticsEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1WfEncapEncodeModDiagnosticsEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing encapsulator encoder modulator diagnostics for a given Waveform ID INDEX mm1WfEncapEncodeModDiagnosticsWavef...

Page 135: ...X ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Encapsulator frame count mm1WfEncapEncodeModDiagnosticsEntry 4 mm1WfEncapPartialFrameCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Encapsulator partial frame count mm1WfEncapEncodeModDiagnosticsEntry 5 mm1WfEncapFlushFrameCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Encapsulator flu...

Page 136: ...agnostics 4 mm1DemodBRadialEsNo OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX mm1HundredthdB UNITS dB MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodB radial Es No dB mm1DemodDiagnostics 5 mm1DemodBEqualizationError OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodB equalization error mm1DemodDiagnostics 6 Demodulator Equalization Tap Table mm1DemodEqualizationTapTable OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX...

Page 137: ...SS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodA I tap value for the corresponding tap index mm1DemodEqualizationTapEntry 2 mm1DemodAQTapValue OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodA Q tap value for the corresponding tap index mm1DemodEqualizationTapEntry 3 mm1DemodBITapValue OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodB I...

Page 138: ...EGER mm1DemodConstellationBufferIndex OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER 1 512 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Demodulator constellation buffer index mm1DemodConstellationBufferEntry 1 mm1DemodAIConstellationBufferValue OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodA I tap value for the corresponding tap index mm1DemodConstellationBufferEntry 2 mm1Dem...

Page 139: ...try SEQUENCE mm1WfDemodDiagnosticsWaveformIndex mm1ModemWaveform mm1WfDemodulatorDiagModCodId mm1ModemModCod mm1WfDemodAFrameCnt Counter32 mm1WfDemodAEsNoDropFrameCnt Counter32 mm1WfDemodAFreqOffsetDropFrameCnt Counter32 mm1WfDemodAOtherDropFrameCnt Counter32 mm1WfDemodBFrameCnt Counter32 mm1WfDemodBEsNoDropFrameCnt Counter32 mm1WfDemodBFreqOffsetDropFrameCnt Counter32 mm1WfDemodBOtherDropFrameCnt...

Page 140: ...ION DemodA ModCod PL Frame Other drop count mm1WfDemodDiagnosticsEntry 6 mm1WfDemodBFrameCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodB ModCod PL Frame count mm1WfDemodDiagnosticsEntry 7 mm1WfDemodBEsNoDropFrameCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION DemodB ModCod PL Frame Es No drop count mm1WfDemodDiagnosticsEntry ...

Page 141: ...Entry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION A table containing decoder deframer diagnostics information per Waveform ID mm1DecoderDeframerDiagnostics 4 mm1WfDecoderDeframerDiagnosticsEntry OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Mm1WfDecoderDeframerDiagnosticsEntry MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry containing decoder deframer diagnostics for a given Waveform ID INDEX mm1WfDec...

Page 142: ...ticsEntry 3 mm1WfDecoderBitCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Decoder ModCod bit count mm1WfDecoderDeframerDiagnosticsEntry 4 mm1WfDecoderFrameCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Decoder ModCod frame count mm1WfDecoderDeframerDiagnosticsEntry 5 mm1WfDecoderCorrectedBitCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACC...

Page 143: ... out count mm1HtfCoreDriverDiagnostics 4 mm1TargetWriteInvalidLengthCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Target FPGA write invalid length count mm1HtfCoreDriverDiagnostics 5 mm1TargetReadRequestCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Target FPGA read request count mm1HtfCoreDriverDiagnostics 6 mm1TargetReadComplet...

Page 144: count mm1HtfNetworkDriverDiagnostics 1 mm1HtfNetworkSendRequestsProcessedCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Host Target FPGA network send requests processed count mm1HtfNetworkDriverDiagnostics 2 mm1HtfNetworkReceiveRequestCnt OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX ACCESS read only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Host Target FPGA network receive request count ...

Page 145: ...S current DESCRIPTION Modem ready event Sent after the modem has finished its initialization process mm1Notifs 1 mm1ConfigChangeEvent NOTIFICATION TYPE OBJECTS mm1SeqNo mm1NotificationInfo mm1TimeStamp STATUS current DESCRIPTION Modem configuration change event mm1Notifs 2 mm1Fault NOTIFICATION TYPE OBJECTS mm1SeqNo mm1FaultCode mm1NotificationInfo mm1TimeStamp STATUS current DESCRIPTION Modem fau...

Page 146: ...ile 15 MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Alarm identifier Alarm severities are defined as follows calError Minor noFiltFile Minor syncLoss Major frqRefSw Minor tempHigh Major bufOvfl Minor bufUnfl Minor fanSpeed Minor rldPty Minor lvdsPty Minor plAlm Minor genDiag Minor activeDataLinkADown Major activeDataLinkBDown Minor fanFailed Minor noConfigFile Minor mm1Notifs 9 mm1FaultCod...

Page 147: ...vx 7 139 MEOLink User Manual mm1TimeStamp OBJECT TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX ACCESS not accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Time stamp Format is RFC 2579 DateAndTime textual convention UTC YYMDhmsd mm1Notifs 12 END ...

Page 148: ...o a free program could make it effectively proprietary To prevent this the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non free The precise terms and conditions for copying distribution and modification follow TERMS AND CONDITIONS 0 Definitions This License refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License Copyright also means copyright like laws that apply to other kinds of ...

Page 149: ...g Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work 2 Basic Permissions All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met This License explicitly affirms your...

Page 150: liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License or b Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it or c Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways...

Page 151: ...h 14 Revised Versions of this License The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns Each version is given a distinguishing version number If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of...

Page 152: ...brary is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License b Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document c For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution include the copyright notice for the Library among these notices as well as a reference directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document d D...

Page 153: ...RACT STRICT LIABILITY OR TORT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE Part 4 Sun Microsystems Inc copyright notice BSD Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems Inc 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara California 95054 U S A All rights reserved Use is subject to license terms below This distribution may include materia...

Page 154: ...e copyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution 3 Neither the name of Apple Inc Apple nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived fr...
