iMS3D – Indoor Mobile Scanning System
Operating Guide. © Viametris SAS.
iMS3D – Operating Guide
If any door at the end of the corridor, ensure it is left closed.
If required it is recommended to use Viametris Targets (see usage of Viametris Targets
in section 8.2.11). Alternatively other ad hock vertical elements can be used, as long
as they can be in the 95-145 cm vertical scan range. (i.e. coat stands…)
Figure 21: Long corridor without vertical noticeable elements equipped with Viametris Targets
In the other hand a long corridor with some noticeable elements (columns, doors, vertical
heating pipes, high pieces of furniture within the 95-145 cm vertical scan range) doesn’t
require special attentions. (apart from the usual precautions about the scout position Vs the
cart)See Figure 19 and Figure 22.
Figure 22: long corridor with noticeable elements: windows, heating pipe, column…within vertical scan range (95-145 cm) still
requires some basic precautions: close the doors at the end of the corridor and the scout has to remain out of the 270°
horizontal scan range.
Scout not in
front of Cart
VM Targets
Door closed