Congratulations and thank you for choosing the VHT Valvulator
Very Low Power
Guitar Amplifier
. As a player, I know you are constantly searching for new sounds and new
ways to improve your existing sound. At VHT we understand the constantly evolving nature of
artistic creativity and the search for the perfect sound to complement your ever-widening musical
vision. Providing the tools to help you to create your own sonic signature is our primary mission.
The Valvulator™ GP3 is an advanced musical instrument amplifier, professional caliber
recording tool, and universal rack system control center that will stimulate your creative juices,
bring out subtleties in your playing technique that you never even knew existed and help you
define your style with unprecedented simplicity. With the advent of the Valvulator™ GP3, the
ability of a rack system to offer the player a wide palate of sounds with genuine amplifier feel and
dynamics will now be fully realized.
Like the Valvulator™ GP3, this guide departs from conventional form and function because I
believe it is the only way to adequately assist you in realizing the full potential of this unique
piece of musical equipment. I sincerely apologize in advance for the depth of detail you are about
to encounter. Having devoted countless hours, culminating in decades to the creation of the GP3,
I would not wish to deprive you of the opportunity to fully comprehend its many capabilities. On
the other hand, if I were you, I would probably be one of the first to roll this manual into a small
tube and use it for a fly swatter, preferring instead to dive in uninitiated and try to intuitively
work my way towards understanding the essence of the equipment being described here, most
likely in the parking lot of a club, 30 minutes before show time.
For those of you who wish to forge ahead without the benefit of the following reams of verbiage,
I applaud your decision. First hand experience and real world application will yield the ultimate
satisfaction of finding your own path of comprehension and self-expression.
If you’ve got a gig in two hours, or like most of us, you just don’t have the patience for all that
mind numbing technical mumbo-jumbo; I invite you to proceed directly to the
Quick Start
section. Don’t be terribly surprised when you find yourself up and running in no time. All of the
ensuing gory details recorded herein will be waiting patiently whenever your curiosity gets the
better of you.
Now it’s time to plug in and
Turn It On
Steven M Fryette