4 (7)
2. Loading phase
The thermostic element in the loading unit is affected by the
temperature of the water flowing from the boiler to the
loading unit. The element starts to open and allows
return water from the storage tank to be mixed with supply water
before it returns back to the boiler. The temperature of the mixed
water determines the working position of the thermostatic element.
An automatic balancing valve in the loading unit regulates the
internal flow of the supply water from the boiler.
When the temperature rises the element starts to close the
balancing valve. This causes a higher flow of return water into
the boiler. When the thermostatic element is fully open the balan-
cing valve is closed and the entire capacity of the pump is used
for cooling the boiler and loading the storage tank.
3. End phase
The thermostat element is fully open. The balancing valve
is closed. This results a maximum cooling of the heating
boiler and the storage tank is fully filled with supply water.
4. Self-circulation
Self-circulation is obtained as soon as the fire and the
circulating pump have stopped. The remaining hot water
will self-circulate to the storage tank.
When the storage tank is warmer than the boiler a backflow
preventer stops the self-circulation from tank to boiler.
In case of power or pump failure the backflow preventer
will open automatically for self-circulation.
Model S is delivered without backflow preventer.