The five-color CLC-200 is a compact and light-weight
liquid crystal depth sounder. It indicates depth, shows
changes in bottom content, and conditions. It can also
discriminate between large underwater targets, such as
fish, and smaller targets such as bait fish and plankton.
The unit transmits bursts of high frequency pulses which
are converted from electrical to mechanical energy by the
transducer. These "sound" pulses radiate from the
transducer downward and are reflected back up to the
transducer where the energy is converted back to
electrical signals. The CLC-200 then processes these
signals and displays them.
The graphic display is accomplished by activating
individual or groups of multi-colored pixels, or dots, on
the LCD. The first vertical column of pixels, on the right
edge of the display, shows the most current information.
This column is then moved to the next place, to the left, as
soon as a new column is
ready. This process is
repeated continually to make
up the graphic display. Thus
what you see on the display
is a brief history of what the
boat just went over. The CLC-
200 also displays the depth as
an easy to read digital
number on the right side of
the display.