Rev. 9/14/2020
Copyright 2020 Vestil Manufacturing Corp. Page 4 of 7
US OSHA Rule 1910.178 (29 CFR 1910.178; the “Rule”) classifies this device as a (lift truck) “front-
end attachment” whenever it is mounted on a lift truck. The Rule incorporates American National
Standard ANSI/ITSDF B56.1 (the “Standard”). The Standard is published by the Industrial Truck
Standards Development Foundation on its website (
) where it is freely downloadable at
. Before putting this device into service, you must acquire a
copy of the Standard. Apply all relevant parts of Part II: For the User. If instructions provided in this
manual apparently conflict with the Standard, then apply the instructions in the Standard. Vestil
requests that you immediately share any conflicts you discover with its
personnel. Contact information for
appears on the cover page of this manual.
Record the condition of your lifting beam before putting it into service. Measure the length and width
of the lifting shackle. Include a measurement of the throat opening of the shackle, i.e. the area that
receives the shackle pin. Record your measurements. Measure the throat openings of both load hooks
and record your measurements. Thoroughly photograph the unit from multiple angles. Include close
range photos of all labeling, the lifting shackle and shackle pin, the fork channels, safety strap and
hook, and the (X-handle) locking bolts (08-025-004). Collate all photographs and writings into a single
file. Mark the file appropriately to identify it. The file provides a record of the device in satisfactory
condition. Compare the results of all
the unit is in satisfactory condition. If the lifter is not in satisfactory condition, repair it before returning it
to service. Purely cosmetic changes, like damaged paint/powdercoat, do not constitute changes from
satisfactory condition. However, touchup paint should be applied to all affected areas as soon as
cosmetic damage occurs to prevent rusting and corrosion. If left unaddressed, rusting/corrosion will
alter the lifter from satisfactory condition and could make it unsafe to use.
Periodically review the
on p. 2 and applicable content from the most
recent revision of ANSI B56.1.
Attach the Lifting Beam to the forks of your lift truck
1) Adjust the locations of the forks on the carriage to align with the fork slots in the beam. Center the
forks on the carriage. Tilt the mast slightly towards the cab.
2) Slide the beam onto the forks. Wind
locking bolts (part no. 08-025-004 in
on p. 3) clockwise until tension plates (part no. 08-037-037) solidly contact the undersides of the
forks and the ends of the locking bolts tightly press against the top sides of the forks. Confirm that
the beam is securely attached to the forks, for example by trying to slide the beam forward on the
forks. The beam should not be able to move.
3) Attach the safety strap (part no. 08-145-028) to the fork carriage
without slack
. Wrap the strap
around a part of the carriage and attach the hook to the strap. The safety strap is intended to
prevent the beam from sliding off of the forks. DO NOT use it as load rigging. Attach the hook at
the end of the safety strap to the carriage or the safety strap.
Loading the Beam
Capacity figures are provided on label 1000 (see
kilograms. It indicates the net capacity of the hook in pounds. The capacity is also displayed on tag
023 (see “Labeling Diagram” below).
Before this product may be used, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule
1910.178(a)(4) and (a)(5) require that the beam owner/user:
a. Obtain written approval from the manufacturer(s) of all forklifts that will use the beam [or from a
professional engineer];
b. Change capacity, operation, and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals accordingly; AND
c. Mark the forklift truck to identify the beam and show the approximate weight of the truck and beam
combination at maximum elevation with load laterally centered.
These requirements are published online at